Cheers & Kudos: Thank you for turning dollars into memories

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Fleet Reserve Association Sierra Tahoe Branch and Unit No. 137 held its annual Christmas party at Jethro’s in Gardnerville.

The food was plentiful and enjoyed by everyone, along with fabulously yummy desserts prepared by Brenda Horton, president of the Ladies Auxiliary.

Wonderful raffle prizes were given away that were donated by local stores, including a $100 Walmart gift card.

Thank you to Sue Higgins for securing the raffle prizes and displaying them so nicely. A big thank you also goes to Larry Knack and Rick Athenour for arranging the event.

The attendees choose to donate cash to Toys For Tots rather than exchange gifts. Over $295 was collected at the event, in addition to 52 toys that were also donated (valued at an estimated $650). Therefore, a total of $945 was donated this year.

Thank you to everyone that contributed and to Carol and Rick Athenour for toy shopping and turning the dollars into memories.

Joyce Jackson



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