Letters to the editor for Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2016

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Open letter to person who lost present Christmas morning

To whom it may concern: I have your drone and wish to give it back.

Maybe I’m wrong to suggest that, in the future, you might want to place items of a costly nature inside your car, and not on top, should this have been the case.

And now that I have your attention. What more can I possibly say, but such a wonderful present for that certain someone to find under the Christmas tree, and then later that priceless look on the face of another certain someone, brought on by an uncomfortable feeling the moment they realized their drone was not where it was supposed to be — I would have paid big money to see that expression.

From the very moment I found it, the same thought has been on my mind: “Whoever this belongs to must be kicking themselves in the backside.”

Contact me at 775-671-7537. Give me the name of the drone and how many “G’s” it has. Who makes it. What color it is. And it’s yours.

Clearly, gratitude must take the day here. I think it would be embarrassing for someone if after they were asked what they got for Christmas — and the only thing they could produce is the controls for the pricey drone they carelessly just lost ... good old Christmas, giving or getting expensive gifts, you better thank God it only comes once a year, pal.

Please contact me!

Donald Paetz

Carson City