Nevada Appeal at 150: Feb. 13, 1943: Tennis shoes now on rations list

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“Shall I walk and save gas, or shall I ride and save shoe leather?”

Hope that the answer to this question of the consumer might come in the non-rationing of tennis and wooden shoes shattered yesterday by the office of price administration.

In a telegram received at 10:30 a.m. yesterday by Leo F. Schmitt, state director of the OPA, William S. Pendleton, regional miscellaneous products rationing representative, declared:

“Later developments show that tennis and wooden shoes are rationed.”

The shoe trade was notified immediately by the state OPA, but if someone got his or her wooden shoes before 10:30 a.m. without stamp No. 17, there isn’t anything OPA will do about it.

This continues the Appeal’s review of news stories and headlines during its Sesquicentennial year.