The Popcorn Stand: No more photos of creepy, selfie guy

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I’m not about to dive into the debate in the aftermath of the horrific tragedy that happened in Orlando, Fla., when it comes to gun control, terrorism and all that. I just want to say this. I don’t want to see another picture of the guy (I refuse to write his name) who shot up that Orlando nightclub. EVER. AGAIN.

I know the guy’s dead so as far as him trying to gain attention by going off and shooting a bunch of people, I understand that point’s obviously moot. I haven’t brought up the subject, but it’s something I’d like to talk about here at the Nevada Appeal — having a policy not to feature any photo of surviving mass shooters in our publication since one motivation of their carnage always seems to be gaining attention. I know it would be mostly symbolic if a small publication like the Appeal instituted such a policy, but it would be a start.

As far as this one guy’s likeness is concerned, I at least don’t want to see another one of those stupid, creepy selfies he took of himself. EVER. AGAIN.

I’m an old fuddy, duddy. I’m not a big fan of selfies to begin with. And I have no desire to take a photo of myself taking a photo of myself and posting it on Facebook, Twitter or whatever the latest trendy social media site is.

There are a lot of people I can do without seeing their photo. And right now, the creepy, selfie guy who murdered 49 people is at the top of that list.

— Charles Whisnand


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