Letters to the editor for Friday, March 4, 2016

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Caucus vote lost to whirlpool of disorganization

My wife and I returned from the Lyon County Republican caucuses without voting. After standing in a people-packed hallway for 45 minutes, I had to leave because of back pain (I’m 68).

These caucuses were absolutely unorganized. All the precinct tables were set up at a junior high school in a hallway, perhaps 8- to 10-feet wide. All the precinct tables had one registration book. In the time my wife and I stood in line, more than 45 minutes, it never moved. It was much like standing in a people whirlpool with no one understanding where the lines were or what was going on.

In effect, the Republican Party denied me and my wife the right to vote on which candidate should represent our party in the presidential election.

This was a complete shambles and the Republican Party must stand the blame. It was up to the Nevada Republican Party to ensure the caucuses were well organized and well run. They were not.

Alan Dale Daniel


Open letter to Sen. Dean Heller

Dear Sen. Heller,

I was one of your early supporters here in Nevada and I voted for you. I thought you were best suited to represent my interests. But you have made a series of decisions that have made me doubt you are the true conservative that you claim to be.

The most recent and most disappointing is your endorsement of Marco Rubio for president. He is the wrong guy for the job, and I believe in your heart of hearts, you know that. We need the “real outsider,” Donald Trump, to break up the Washington, D.C., “good old boy” system, which I fear you have become a part of.

I just want you to know that I and others who believe as I do have our eye on your activities and urge you to get back to the principles that you ran on, that got you elected to the U.S. Senate.

Thank you,

George Gosling



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