150 Years Ago
Troops. A detachment of 75 men of a California Cavalry Regiment en route to Fort Churchill looked in excellent condition and will gather laurels and scalps in pursing the war path.
130 Years Ago
All sorts. Burglars are still nosing about. An oyster supper match will be shot at the range. E. B. Rail has just received a large stock of garden hose, Eureka cotton and rubber, of all sizes.
110 Years Ago
Fasting will be the next fashionable fad. One young lady will fast two days and then the other ladies will look her over and if she is making progress, and can stand it, she will find out from the other ladies much she is improving in beauty and go ahead another week, and so on, until her beauty continues to improve. Then the rest of the ladies will fall in line, and Carson will have all the good-looking women in Nevada right here at home.
70 Years Ago
Student body president. Bob Cameron, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Cameron of Stewart and a Carson high school junior, was elected president of the student body. Others elected were Mickey Laxalt, vice president, and Barbara Parker, secretary.
50 Years Ago
Classified ads. “Three bedroom well built, 1 1/2 bath, fireplace, fenced, extras, $20,900, Molly Drive.”
20 Years Ago
Forrest Gump. Stephen Edwards ran through Carson City on his way to Delaware. Unlike Gump, Edward has a goal. He and his wife, Susan, started a “running outreach ministry.”
Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.