Letters to the editor for Tuesday, May 17, 2016

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Save Carson City’s open spaces

Our city officials have at least four open spaces — Anderson Ranch, Lompa Ranch, Little Lane and Silver Oak — in different stages of approval for developers to build on. All of the sites requesting zoning changes for smaller lot sizes and higher density housing with tract like buildings. Is the city’s vision of growth to become more like Reno and Las Vegas?

Most families have chosen to live in Carson City because of their love for the beautiful mountains, open space, warmth and safety of a small town lifestyle, fleeing big cities. Small town life is my vision for the future with well thought out, carefully weighted, responsible quality of growth.

There is a tipping point where you sacrifice the serenity of open space and the quality of living for dense housing development, asphalt, traffic congestion and pollution all in the name of progress. This progress is the very thing that can destroy what was once an ideal beautiful location.

We are daily reminded of how fragile Earth’s environment and species are. We need to act on our own local level. Talk to and vote for city officials possessing the vision to protect and preserve Carson City open spaces, its resources, wildlife and values.

Paul LaFleur

Carson City