Letter to the editor for Tuesday, May 31, 2016

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Republican elites, put ego aside and get over it

Donald Trump has run an unprecedented campaign of truly historic proportion in his Republican presidential primary effort, and he is generating massive support among a record-setting, highly motivated, truly grass roots voting public ready for a real change.

The American people rejected the scripted rhetoric from the 16 tried and true politicians vying for the votes. We have heard it all before. The Republicans are the majority in Congress, and yet nothing has changed. Your approval rating is around 17 percent, and yet you ask for our vote. What have you done to deserve it? Trump’s overwhelming popularity comes from your constituents. Isn’t it your job to support their decision?

Sen. McCain and Gov. Romney, whom you supported (because they were part of the establishment), failed miserably.

Put your ego aside and unite the party, or there may no longer be a Republican Party or a republic if Hillary gets in. It is time for change.

Inga Silver

Carson City