Western Nevada College News & Notes: Math & English refresher classes offered in January

Lisa Stokes, 21, of Carson City, takes the blood pressure of fellow student Matt Santos, 18, of Minden, during an Emergency Medical Technician class at Western Nevada College on April 9, 2015.

Lisa Stokes, 21, of Carson City, takes the blood pressure of fellow student Matt Santos, 18, of Minden, during an Emergency Medical Technician class at Western Nevada College on April 9, 2015.

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Be ready when the spring semester starts by sharpening your math and English skills through a pair of refresher courses offered at Western Nevada College.

“These offerings are designed to serve a wide range of students’ needs, but they’re primarily geared toward helping students who have been away from academics for some time adjust to the pace and demands of college classes,” said WNC Director of Liberal Arts Scott Morrison.

The noncredit math refresher course in pre-algebra concepts is offered from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, Jan. 3-19.

“This class is an excellent way to get back into doing algebra without any pressure or expectations — meaning NO tests and NO grades,” said WNC instructor Diane Housken.

Subject matter includes whole numbers, solving equations, fractions and mixed numbers, decimals, ratios, proportions, percentages, graphing, geometry, exponents and polynomials.

“The class schedule is fairly compressed, but there is plenty of time for individual questions in class, plus access to computer-based practice in class and at home,” Housken said.

“After taking this refresher the student will feel more confident and have less anxiety moving into the ‘real’ algebra class,” Housken said.

WNC will also offer an English refresher course, which will meet from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, Jan. 17-20. It’s designed to prepare students to take English 99.

“The class also acts as an introduction or re-introduction to being a college student,” said English instructor Daniel Wexelblatt. “We review basic components of grammar, punctuation and sentence/paragraph construction. In addition, we explore the kind of questions and material to expect in college-level English and writing-based courses, and how to respond to them.”

Wexelblatt said the refresher course also covers several areas to help students succeed in their classes.

“We discuss good study and reading habits, as well as classroom etiquette (being engaged with discussions and activities, being respectful of the learning environment, etc.),” Wexelbatt said.

To register, www.campusce.net/wnc/.

Take Accelerated Music, Journalism Classes during Winter Break

The development and popularity of accelerated classes has given students at Western Nevada College an opportunity to use their winter break to further their higher education interests and loosen their day-to-day schedules.

WNC is offering credit classes in journalism and music before the start of the spring semester, from Monday, Jan. 3 through Friday, Jan. 20.

Media in Modern Life (JOUR 120) presents students with the opportunity to learn about the profound transition from life with mass media to life in networked media. This class researches the meaning of media through anthropological, political and historical perspectives.

Classes are scheduled Monday through Friday, Jan. 3-20, from 9 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

Music Appreciation (MUS 121), which fulfills a student’s Fine Arts requirement, meets Monday through Friday, Jan. 3-20, as well as Saturday, Jan. 7. Meeting times are from 9 a.m. to noon.

The focus of Music Appreciation is analyzing styles and forms of music from the Middle Ages through the 20th century, with discussion about musical instruments and major composers.

View class offerings at www.wnc.edu/schedule/.

WNC Offering Emergency Medical Services Classes during Spring Semester

Emergency Medical Technician students have an opportunity to learn from a seasoned Northern Nevada paramedic during a spring semester course at WNC.

Dennis Nolan, an Emergency Medical Services Chief with the Reno Fire Department, will teach Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (EMS 115), on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6 to 10 p.m. in Carson City.

“Advanced EMT makes individuals more eligible to work in the emergency services system,” Nolan said. “REMSA (Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority) hires emergency A-EMTs and paramedics.

“It is a career that can take you in a variety of directions. At the very minimum you can learn to save a life, or if something bad happens around the house or in the car, it’s nice to know somebody knows what to do.”

WNC’s spring semester starts on Monday, Jan. 23.

EMS 115 follows EMS 108 in WNC’s Emergency Medical Services program. The 7.5-credit course focuses on teaching advanced airway maintenance skills, the ability to recognize basic electrocardiography (ECG) arrhythmias and utilize pharmacological interventions within the scope of practices.

Nevada compensates EMTs well. In fact, according to AllHealthCare.com, Nevada is the highest-paying state for EMTs and paramedics at an average of $35.85 per hour.

Prerequisites for this spring semester course are having earned a CPR certificate and certification as a nationally registered EMT within the last two years. Students must also be at least 18 years old and possess medical insurance.

WNC is offering five separate sessions of the Healthcare Provider CPR (EMS 100) course prior to and during the spring semester. The one-day classes are scheduled for Saturdays, Jan. 7, Jan. 21, April 8 and May 13.

To view WNC’s list of spring semester EMS classes and to register, go to http://www.wnc.edu/schedule/.

For information, contact Maureen Lockey of WNC Nursing & Allied Health Division at 775-445-3294.


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