A group of local industry experts spent time touring technical facilities, including the MachineTool Technology Lab, pictured here, last week as part of a Northern Nevada Development Authority meeting on Campus.
A political candidates forum took place at Western Nevada College on Monday, Oct. 3. It was hosted by a local Republican women’s group. WNC allowed the event as a public service, as it does for many other groups as well. The opinions of those attending the event were those of individuals, not the college. No statements were made at the event that reflect the view of the college.
Tech open house to highlight job possibilities
Spending one afternoon at Western Nevada College could provide the inspiration to change and shape your future. WNC will showcase its Career and Technical Education programs with an open house from 4 to 6 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 20, at the Reynolds Center for Technology at the Carson City Campus.
With more than 52,000 new jobs expected in Northern Nevada in the next several years, now is the time for area residents to consider learning job skills through Career and Technical Education.
Visitors will discover exciting career options, view equipment demonstrations, hear from WNC graduates and tour the college’s CTE facilities. Each program is scheduled to provide a 15-minute presentation with time for questions.
Led by Dr. Georgia White, WNC’s CTE department includes automotive, business, computer information, construction management, criminal justice, education, deaf studies, graphic communications, machine tool, manufacturing and welding.
Many programs offer accelerated training designed to prepare students to pass industry certifications employers are now demanding from their workers.
The Reynolds Center for Technology is located at 2201 W. College Parkway in Carson City.
For the schedule of presentation contact Hillary.nelson@wnc.edu or 775-445-4272.
Business leaders like looks of WNC technology Labs
A group of local industry experts spent time touring technical facilities earlier this week as part of a Northern Nevada Development Authority meeting on Campus.