Letters to the editor for Friday, Oct. 14, 2016

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Election letters policy: Letters about the 2016 general election need to be turned into the Nevada Appeal by noon on Thursday, Oct. 20. Letters must include the writer’s name, address and phone number and be no more than 250 words. The Appeal reserves the right to edit them. Letters also may appear at nevadaappeal.com. • Only one letter can be submitted every 30 days. • Mail it to Letters to the Editor, Nevada Appeal, 580 Mallory Way, Carson City, NV 89701. • Send emails to editor@nevadaappeal.com.

Despite nasty comments, Trump is still best option

It is sad to see that a leaked 2005 tape showing Trump making disparaging remarks about women has become more important than the fate of this country. What he said is irrelevant compared to what was done by Clinton and then he was reelected to boot.

The Republican politicians who have dropped their support are fools if they believe that this country will all of a sudden benefit under Hillary. Yes, Trump said some nasty things about women for which he admitted was wrong and apologized for. Trump remains the best chance for this country to be made strong again and this should be our top priority.

Letting a decades old tape have people running scared is almost laughable. I guess we really have become a nanny society.

Kelly Madigan

Carson City