150 Years Ago
Orphans home bill: Governor Blasdel vetoed a bill to fund the Orphan Asylum in Virginia City. His response was that the state should provide for “in all the counties — not in one alone.”
Severe accident: G. R. Nightingill met with a serious accident while painting the new balcony recently erected from the Empire Block on Second street. He and two other men were at work on a platform erected to facilitating painting when Nightingill with a pot of paint attempted to pass one of the other painters, and jumped to save himself from falling willy nilly. No bones were broken, and it is believed he will be all right again.
130 Years Ago
All sorts: There is now talk of getting up a new party here in Ormsby. It will be called the “Disunited Loafer Party.”
Miss Wilsey’s class, Roll of honor for October: Virginia Belknap, Emma Trapp, Lottie Meder, Annie Schulz.
110 Years Ago
All sorts: The fence around the new Armory Building is completed, and they are finishing the concrete work around the block. The stonework on the new library building is nearly completed and work on the roof will be commenced.
70 Years Ago
Advertisement: “Free — A Spectacular Display of FIREWORKS Will Be Presented in Carson City Thursday, October 31 at 6 p.m. at the Carson Hi Football Field — in Cooperation with the Nevada Day Celebration by HAROLD’S CLUB, Owned and Operated by Harold S. Smith and Raymond A. Smith. Raymond I. Smith, Manager.”
50 Years Ago
Photo caption: Crowd pleaser Sade Grant again appeared in the 1966 celebration, and hasn’t missed one since the annual Nevada Day Parade started in 1936.
20 Years Ago
Nevada’s 132nd birthday: Parade watchers braved cold weather and a little rain as the 251 parade entries moved along Carson Street.
Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.