Eldon DeVere Henderson: It’s time to replace Sen. Dean Heller

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In the past, Senator Dean Heller stated many times that Obamacare should be repealed: “The repeal of this law will not only reduce federal spending, but it will also allow Congress to address problems within the current health care system.”

When Obama was president, the vacillating Nevada Senator voted to repeal Obamacare. Several days ago, Senator Heller joined six other Republican Senators, including Senator John McCain who is suffering from aggressive brain cancer, in voting against legislation to repeal Obamacare. One might forgive the ailing John McCain for his mental limitations, but not so the malignancy that plagues Senator Heller.

Senator Heller suffers from acute self-aggrandizing political ambition that manifests itself most often in fence-sitting and at best avid periodic grinding of the issues one might expect to be the grist in the windmill of a crusading freshman Congressman.

The Senator touts his opposition to the burying of nuclear material thousands of feet deep using technologies and procedures that pose no measurable threat to the citizens of Nevada, trivial in comparison to the critical national issues that confront us today. As a partially disabled veteran, I applaud his efforts to clean up the Veterans Administration; but these efforts pale in comparison to the damage he has done to me, and to hundreds of thousands of others who must continue to suffer the financial burdens of Obamacare. Congressman Amodei has systematically debunked the myth perpetrated by the supporters of Obamacare. Sadly, Senator Heller could not find the wisdom and fortitude to act on the facts and not compromise his earlier vow to Nevada voters.

Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt took a strong stand against sanctuary cities that harbor illegal immigrant criminals. His family has a history of honorable service to the citizens of the State of Nevada. The time has come to draft the Attorney General, or someone of similar character and fortitude, to replace the duplicity that seems to characterize the behavior of Senator Dean Heller.

Eldon DeVere Henderson, PhD, is a resident of East Valley.


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