Letter to the editor for Thursday, Aug. 24, 2017

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Reader clarifies: both sides need to be reported

Several weeks ago I wrote a letter to the Editor in response to your newspaper and the way the news is presented or in my opinion, not presented. I have been contacted by several friends that some of your readers responded to that letter. I’m not sure what they said, but they probably missed the point. My point in this was that if you are going to report national or international news, at least report both sides so the reader can draw their own conclusion. So much of the media is so left wing you cannot get a straight story from any of them. They write it as they want you to believe and accept their position. That is the way Pravda Communist News is presented.

In 1943 or 1944 your paper was up for sale. My mother and my uncle came and took a look at it. My mother wanted to buy and replace the equipment and my uncle talked her out of it. Years later my brother and I would sit and talk about what it would look like if she had bought it. We both had very different opinions. I’m very sorry it didn’t happen. If it did, then it would have both sides of a story and the public could make their own decision.

Bill Pyatt



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