Senator Square: Student’s senior project aims to abolish modern slavery

CHS Senior Project by Sarah Sever to Abolish Modern Slavery

CHS Senior Project by Sarah Sever to Abolish Modern Slavery

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Senior projects, a Carson High School graduation requirement, are in full swing, and every year a host of new topics are set into motion by students who take it very seriously, students who take it upon themselves to make a difference in the lives of others. One such senior, Sarah Sever, is motivated to create awareness about a wide-ranging and ever growing atrocity affecting young women in America. Sever says, “For my senior project, I am selling T-shirts to benefit Awaken, a nonprofit organization that works to rescue girls from the sex trade as well as raise awareness about human trafficking both for the public and for the victims themselves.” Sever, through her senior project work with Awaken, located in Reno, learned that “Today, there are more people enslaved than 150 years ago when slavery was legal, so this is a very serious issue; not only that, but sex trafficking is growing rapidly in Northern Nevada, as prostitution is legal, making it much easier for traffickers to evade consequences.” Sarah’s mentor for her senior project is an Awaken instructor who teaches girls in a program called Celebrate Recovery. Sever’s goal, by selling T-shirts, is to raise at least $1,000 to be given to Awaken upon completion of her senior project. However, it is not just about selling T-shirts; she also hopes to bring awareness to CCSD and the community about how trafficking is a trap girls can easily fall into. Her other goal is to bring Awaken educators to the CHS Freshman Transitions classes to bring further awareness about the problem, and teach young people how to avoid the trap of entering the sex trade. As January is Trafficking Awareness month, Mondays will be the day to wear T-shirts to school to support Awaken, to help them end modern slavery. Because the community of Carson City, time and time again, has supported students of CHS, Sever is providing a way for people to purchase a T-shirt by Dec. 12. Those desiring to purchase a T-shirt to support Awaken are asked to stop by the CHS main office, stop by Carson Aquatic Facility, or email Sarah Sever at


Senators, the first varsity home basketball game was Nov. 30 in the big gym. It is time once again to come out and show support by cheering on the 2017-2018 CHS Varsity Senators Basketball Program. During the games, this year, there will be raffle prizes, basketball gear for sale, and the new “Seat of the House” for fans who want a chance to watch the game kicked back in a recliner with a free drink and food item of their choice from the snack bar. Questions about CHS Basketball, ask the coach, Jordan Glover at


Carson High Speech and debate wrapped up another successful tournament at Douglas High School before Thanksgiving. A 25-member CHS team competed amongst 17 schools with over 400 entries. Sophomore Kieran Dazzo placed 9th in novice Public Forum speaker points with Mary Milburn placing 5th in novice Program Oral Interpretation, blending a variety of poetry, literature, and dramatic pieces. Marian Haffey placed 4th in novice humorous interpretation with her cutting of A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket. Ivy Campbell placed 3rd in speaker points in novice Lincoln Douglas debate going undefeated in preliminary rounds. Team captain Sophia Peterson placed 6th in senior Lincoln Douglas speaker points, 3rd overall, and 1st place in senior foreign extemporaneous speaking. Sadie Share placed 10th in senior Public Forum speaker points, and she and her partner, team Captain Evan Cherpeski, placed 1st in the event, going undefeated the entire tournament. CHS also competed in the Poetry Out Loud Competition with Marian Haffey taking 2nd and Sophia Peterson claiming 1st. This will move her on to the state competition. Carson competes in its home tournament Dec. 8 and 9. Speech and Debate is always looking for judges, and anyone interested may contact Coach Patrick Mobley at for more information.


Get into the holiday spirit with the award winning CHS bands. The Christmas and Holiday concert happens Dec. 6 at 7 p.m. at the Carson Community Center. Admission is free, but donations will be gladly accepted.


The Carson City School District Orchestra Program performs the second of four school-year concerts for the general public Dec. 7 at the Carson City Community Center. Under the direction of Dr. Brian Fox, the CCSD Orchestras is a blooming school music program, so please come to the Holiday Concert to hear selections ranging from “Brahms’ Waltz” to “Danse Macabre” to Vivaldi’s Gloria, as well as Holiday favorites. The event begins at 6 p.m., and there will be pre-show activities including a free photo booth and a Santa on site, not to mention a 50/50 raffle and a silent auction. Students have been rehearsing since October and are ready to perform. Admission is free, but the event is for one evening only. The show starts at 7 p.m. Brian Fox, PhD, is the String Orchestra Director for CHS, CMS, and EVMS. To contact him, call 283-1779 or 848-5643.


Youth Pastor Tim Plummer of First Presbyterian Church is bringing Christmas Trees to Carson City to support FCA. It is that time of the year, and studies show that people who start decorating for the holidays early are lifted up both physically and emotionally, so what better way to start than with a fresh cut tree from Oregon to benefit both buyer and supplier as all profit goes directly to the Carson High School Fellowship of Christian Athletes lead by advisor and science teacher Ty McMillen. According to the Journal of Environmental Psychology, “Research suggests that U.S. residents may use holiday decorations ... to communicate friendliness and cohesiveness with neighbors.” This is what FCA is all about, friendliness with others. The goal of FCA this year is to foster unity and support. FCA members serve the Lord Jesus Christ by sharing Him with students and encouraging students to share Him as well. Some come purchase a tree for Christmas and to support CHS students. Trees range from Noble, Nordmann, Douglas, Fraser, tor Organic and Silver Tip. Lift Christmas Trees. Located across from the Ormsby House in downtown Carson City, the corner of Carson Street and Sixth Street, Christmas trees will be available from Nov. 24 through Dec. 23 Sunday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.


The CHS Student of the Week is Andrea Gonzalez, a young lady with a contagious smile; she literally smiles at everyone she meets and gives them her full attention. Her favorite senior class at Carson High is Science Fiction/Fantasy, also known as English IV incognito. Andrea used to play on the girl’s CHS soccer, but she decided it was more important to find employment to prepare for graduation and attending college. Way to go, Andrea. CHS is a better place because of students like you.


This week, the Senior Spotlight shines on Donovan Warner. Donovan is an excellent student with a 4.22 overall GPA. He continues to earn strong grades in his current classes which include several honors and AP courses. Throughout his years at CHS, Donovan has been involved in band, SkillsUSA, and volunteering for several school activities. He is extremely interested in computer science and is currently taking the third level of Web Design as well as Advanced Placement Computer Science. Donovan’s hobbies including computer programming, creating and editing videos, and learning to play the piano. He is hoping to attend University of the Pacific or the University of Nevada, Reno where he will major in computer science. Donovan would like to pursue a career in computer programming or cyber security. Congratulations to Donovan Warner, and good luck. CHS’ pride shines brighter because.

Phil Brady is an English teacher at CHS.


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