Past Pages for Friday, Feb. 17, 2017

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150 years ago

Warren Engine Company will come out for drill at 1 o’clock this afternoon. All hands wanted on the brakes! Curry Engine Company will come out for drill at 1 o’clock this afternoon. A full attendance of the members is requested.

130 years ago

Just as you go into the front gate of the Capitol you will notice a big placard sticking above the snow, which reads: “Keep Off the Grass.”

100 years ago

Another gambling bill enters Senate: S.B. No. 53, the gambling bill introduced by Sen. Thatcher in the Senate this morning, is about as drastic as the one laid on the table in the Assembly yesterday afternoon. The bill prohibits any kind of games with cards for money, prohibits playing slot machines for money, checks, credit or merchandise, or any other representation of value.

70 years ago

Carson City aerie No. 1006, Fraternal Order of Eagles, will celebrate its 42nd anniversary Tuesday evening with a free banquet for all members at lodge hall on North Carson Street. Immediately following the banquet the lodge will initiate a class of 20 to 25 candidates into the order.

50 years ago

Legislators taking dim view of state prison gambling facility: The “bull pen” might be on its way out. It’s Nevada’s answer to gambling in prison — a casino in maximum security. The state calls it “one of the oldest and certainly most unique gambling establishments in the world.”

30 years ago

The real cost of AIDS on Nevada’s treasury is unknown until the state gets access to sealed medical records to find the number of AIDS patients getting state Medicaid benefits, lawmakers have been told.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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