View from the Past

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100 Years ago

Mrs. Hoover and Mrs. Kinney Give Charming Party. Mrs. C. M. Hoover and Mrs. C. W. Kinney gave a delightful party Tuesday afternoon. The time was pleasantly passed at cards in the home of Mrs. Kinney. A very elaborate luncheon was served at the home of Mrs. Hoover.

Churchill County Eagle — March 4, 1917.

Two Ladies Entertain Twice This Week. Mrs. E. B. Loring and Mrs. E. R. Bendle entertained a number of friends at cards at the home of the former Thursday afternoon. Again, yesterday Mrs. E. B. Loring and Mrs. E. B. Bendle gave another party, entertaining an equal number of guests in their usual hospitable manner. Both parties were very happy events.

Churchill County Eagle — March 4, 1917.

75 Years Ago

No More Practice Blackouts is Rule. There will be no more practice blackouts in the western defense areas. With no more practice blackouts to be approved, Chairman Kent and County Defense Commander R., J. Vannoy remind persons who would be affected by the sign ruling, that they will be held responsible for extinguishment of lights in the event of a real alarm.

The Fallon Eagle — March 14, 1942.

Radio Specialist Needed by the Marines. An exceptional opportunity is offered by radio specialists between the ages of 17 to 35 inclusive. Any person who holds or has held an Amateur Radio Operator’s license is eligible for one of two groups now being enlisted by all recruiting stations of the United States Marine Corp.

The Fallon Eagle — March 14, 1942

50 Years Ago

Museum Topic of Chamber of Commerce Luncheon. Bud Berney, chairman of the Historical Museum Committee reported there had been excellent response to the articles appearing in local papers. He said the Luke Brothers had a large, excellent collection of items that at one time had been offered to Smithsonian Institute in Washington. The proposed Churchill County Historical Museum hopes to have this collection.

The Fallon Eagle Standard, March 3, 1967

University of Nevada. Elections are in full force this week and five Fallon Students are busily campaigning for offices – Ernest Maupin, III (student body President), Patricia Miltenberger (president, Association of Women Students), Ronald Shane and Maxine Forbush (senate seat, College of Agriculture), and Gary Atkins (senate seat, College of Engineering) are all seeking election.

The Fallon Eagle Standard, March 3, 1967

View From The Past…stories from the Churchill County Museum & Archives, researched and compiled by Cindy Loper, Churchill County Museum Assistant.


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