Past Pages for Friday, Nov. 17, 2017

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150 Years Ago

New five-cent piece: The coin is of a size between a cent of the new style and the five dollar gold piece. On one side it has the figure 5, which is surrounded by 13 stars, outside are the words “United States of America” and the word “cents” underneath the 5. On the other side is a shield and the legend says “In God we trust,” and below the date, 1867. It will be very handy where they use small change.

130 Years Ago

Saluting new teacher: Miss Mabel French went to Wabuska to teach school and was astonished after her first week of teaching to see a fusillade of firearms in front of the school house. On going out she found a dozen cowboys drawn up in line shooting their revolvers in the air. “Three cheers and a tiger for the new school-marm,” shouted the leader. They all removed their hats with a low bow, delivered the grand salute and galloped off.

110 Years Ago

Leisure Hour Club: The musical program, “Old Friend” vocal and instrumental, will be given. The members are requested to appear in old-fashioned costumes. Prizes will be offered. The handsomest old lady and handsomest old gentleman will be awarded prizes. There will also be a prize for the most comical old woman and the ludicrous old man.

100 Years Ago

War puts in new words: Dolly Varden: British name for German helmet. Doughboy: an infantryman. Egg: A German bomb, so called from its resemblance to an ostrich egg.

70 Years Ago

Photo caption: Honored, Alan Bible, attorney general of Nevada, was elected vice president of the national association of attorneys general in Boston.

20 Years Ago

Advocates to End Domestic Violence: After eight years the Advocates to End Domestic Violence is looking into getting into the thrift shop business. “We’re not projecting to make a lot of money but enough to throw off some of the cost of programs and the shelter,” said Lisa Lee, director.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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