Letters to the editor for Wednesday, April 4, 2018

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Time for policy to diminish gun violence

It was very encouraging to attend the March for Our Lives rally on March 24 on a cold and snowy day. I was impressed by the variety of speakers who stood up to speak out on gun violence: students, teachers, grandparents, veterans and others. All had a story to tell and all were passionate that gun violence has got to end.

What our elected officials need to know is that in 2016 Nevada voters passed a background check initiative: Question 1. Both our current governor and Attorney General Adam Laxalt, who is running to be governor, are blocking this ballot initiative that is now the law. They should embrace this law now since this was the voters’ decision to support this very basic background check initiative.

If policy makers do not want to do something to make our community and our state safer, then others should take their place to represent our state. The National Rifle Association, through its political clout, should no longer control our public policies on gun violence or gun safety.

Lisa Rea

Carson City


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