Letters to the editor for Sunday, April 8, 2018

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A message for ‘America Firsters’

“America First?” If you mean first in the health, welfare, prosperity and safety of its citizens; first as a beacon of freedom and democracy to the rest of the world; first as a safe haven for the “huddled masses yearning to breath free,” of course!

Unfortunately, there is a significant number of “America Firsters” who seem to believe that our nation has reached its apex and should not concern itself with distractions outside its cocoon.

You have to wonder, if your favorite team was on a losing streak and its hated rival was winning all its games, wouldn’t you want to know why? If you were in business and your competitor’s sales were twice yours, wouldn’t you think, “let’s find out what’s wrong?” Contrarily, should you mention to one of these “Firsters” that our Canadian neighbors pay far less for prescription drugs than we do, don’t expect a similarly introspective reply. Instead, be prepared to hear, “If you don’t like it here, move to Canada.” Mention that the Internet speed in South Korea is nearly twice that of ours, and you will likely be reprimanded with, “If you don’t like it here, move to South Korea.” And please, don’t bother mentioning the fact that Australia hasn’t had a mass shooting since 1996!

Seems these folks are intent on building a wall, not just between the United States and Mexico, but around the entire country ... and not to keep out illegal immigrants, but any information or ideas that might challenge their personal preconceptions.

John O’Neill


It’s OK, the Second Amendment isn’t going anywhere

Our guns are here to stay. The Second Amendment is here to stay.

I’m a gun owner. I’m a registered Republican, but I’m leaning left of center, definitely left of the far right, especially regarding gun legislation!

The fears of having your guns taken away are overblown! I’m sure there are those who want our society gun-free. Yes, I’m aware of what retired SCOTUS John Paul Stevens said. That will never happen.

Conservatives said Obama was going to take your guns away and they are saying that of the liberal Democrats today. Give me a break! I bought two guns during Obama’s presidency, not out of fear I wouldn’t be able to purchase a firearm in the future. What those baseless fears did accomplish was the “run” on .22 LR ammo. Thanks a lot!

If you are a sportsman/hunter, do you need a rifle that holds more than 10 rounds? As I grew up, it was with pride you could say, “200 yards, one shot, down it went.” I never heard, “It took 27 shots but I finally got him. Thank God, I had a 30-round magazine! Maybe I need a 100-round clip?” Do you need more than 10 rounds? Maybe “sight in” your rifle? Maybe a little more practice? Hopefully you aren’t using a bump stock!

Should we do something about those who are able to purchase firearms while suffering mental instability? That sounds like a good idea. Let’s say someone who suffers from “mental illness characterized by systematized delusions of persecution or grandeur usually without hallucinations” ... paranoia, according to Merriam-Webster.

Some common sense legislation is OK and not a bad idea.

Rob Bastien

Carson City

Disdain for President Trump is sickening

Interesting contrast in the April 3 paper. A letter to the editor from Claire Bostic titled “Country Falling Prey to Socialist Hands” makes the comment that “socialism thrives on hate and divisiveness.” On the same page a guest column by John A. Scire appears full of hate and divisiveness titled “It’s Time to Save Our Democracy.”

I found Mr. Scire’s column amazingly outrageous and full of hate for a duly elected president. Sickening!

Don Drake

Carson City

Disagreeing is one thing, name-calling is another

In response to the letter by Bill Pyatt on March 28, I take extreme offense to the last paragraph of the letter, labeling Democrats as “socialist communists.” Is there any proof Democrats are communists? FYI, not all Democrats are what you claim. I’m sure Republicans aren’t either.

I defend the greatest constitution ever written and respect the amendments. I defend the Second Amendment, which has been lost in translation, but I am against, totally, assault rifles that belong in the military, not in the hands of a mentally challenged person. Our military is mighty and I have faith it will defend and protect me, us, and keep us as safe as possible.

Nowhere in the Constitution does it state it’s OK for someone to use these weapons to kill our children. Something has got to be done without compromising our amendments. The NRA needs to rethink its stance and help find a solution we can live with.

I respect Mr. Pyatt’s right to free speech (First Amendment), but he has stepped over the line with his assessment of Democrats, people he knows nothing about. It’s OK to criticize, but name-calling is over the top.

I agree education begins with the parents. If you have children, what are you teaching them? Hate?

So, Mr. Pyatt, think twice before using the word. An apology to those people would be a nice Christian gesture.

Phyllis Skamel

Carson City

Where’s the honor in lording over citizenry?

Here’s what I’ve learned from our congressmen and senators these past few years. Republicans don’t seem to stand for anything. They do stand on fences and waiver until they find out which way the political winds are blowing before committing to a political stance. Even then, if there’s a gust of political wind from another direction, they may hop the fence and take yet another stance.

Democrats believe that illegal immigrants are more important than U.S. citizens. They love the fact that the illegal immigrants partake of the many social services that the Democrats have established over the past 60 years. Democrats also love illegal immigrants far more than they respect those who serve in the U.S. military.

Independents can’t decide which way the political winds are going to blow but will usually side with the party that wants to spend the most money.

I’ve learned to loathe the very existence of most congressmen and senators. What used to be a call to helping your fellow citizens (Congress) is now seen as a way of obtaining power to rule over your fellow citizens. What used to be a call for representing your state (Senate) is now seen as a way of directing your state to comply with your political whim.

I can name a hundred occupations I hold in much higher regard than I do any elected official.

Ron Landmann

Carson City


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