Past Pages for Friday, April 13, 2018

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150 Years Ago

“Argenta” is the name selected for the new town to be built at Lake’s Crossing on the Truckee. Some of the more sanguine of our neighbors expect that “Argenta” will be the largest city between San Francisco and the Missouri. – Eastern Slope

130 Years Ago

A High Tea: On Tuesday evening Mrs. S.C. Wright gave a tea party at her residence to the regular sojourner of the White House. The table was very testily arranged for 16 persons, and alongside each plate was a card with a scent bag attached embellished with a chrysanthemum leaf, and bearing the name of the guest. The repast was pronounced perfect by all who participated.

100 Years Ago

The Next Draft: Adjutant General Sullivan today received advice that Nevada’s next quota to the draft would be 49 and would be called for May 10. Of the number mentioned, Ormsby County will be required to furnish one as its proportion.

70 Years Ago

The Nevada Appeal virtually has been deluged with requests recently concerning one very noticeable and colorful, in a faded sort of way, addition to the capital community’s everyday life. Those queries generally were put this way: “Where could Carson’s astute fire chief possibly have acquired that faded pink colored paint that now graces his recently acquired Dodge club coupe?” State Senator Kenneth F. Johnson explained it was leftover paint from when Gentleman Jim Corbett was training to fight Ruby Bob Fitzsimmons, paint purchased from A.G. Meyers, used to touch up his dressing room.

50 Years Ago

At the Desert Inn, white sheets covered the slot machines and roulette tables while organ music rang out from a television. Casinos in Las Vegas were deserted for two hours during the funeral of Martin Luther King. Bars were closed and all gambling was stopped for what casino officials said was the second time in history for a mourning. The first time was in 1963 after the death of President John F. Kennedy.

30 Years Ago

Televangelist Jimmy Swaggart is dismissed from the Assemblies of God for “moral failure.”

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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