Letters to the editor for Saturday, April 14, 2018

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A word on old white men

Margaret Konieczny’s letter of March 24, “The Times They Are A-Changin’,” seems to add to her tirade against old white men as expressed in her article of Feb. 21, “World Needs More Compassion and Sympathy.”

She seems to feel the recent Pennsylvania election between Lamb and Saccone is a validation of her beliefs. I feel several age-old factors need to be considered.

First, due to chronological factors, youth will prevail over their elders, therefore the youth of today become the “grumpy, angry, senior, conservative white men” of the future.

Second, we cannot learn from the unknown of the future. We can only learn from the successes and failures of the past ... those angry old white men.

I feel youth was a factor in Lamb’s election, but more importantly were issues in his campaign. He ran as a Democrat, but since prior party members had not been successful, he campaigned vowing not to support Nancy Pelosi, was personally against abortion, and against new gun controls.

I wonder how Margaret feels about these issues.

An old, old white man,

Sanford E. Deyo



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