Past Pages for Wednesday, April 18, 2018

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150 Years Ago

Ball by Curry Engine Company: The Curry Engine Company, actuated by a proper spirit of ambition, are desirous of purchasing a fire bell for their building. To aid their project, they propose to give a ball at Turners’ Hall on the evening of May 1. We are confident this laudable object will not fail to meet with the operative assistance of our citizens.

130 Years Ago

Last Sunday the writer took a trip to McEwen’s ranch just below Lake View in Washoe County. He found McEwen in a very despondent mood over the rapid growth of a strange weed that was overrunning his ranch. He had been fighting the stuff for nine years and had given up, letting it grow wild. The writer was asked to give his opinion and found it to be remarkably fine asparagus. “Do you know this stuff brings a bit a pound in Carson City?” “The devil you say,” said McEwen.

100 Years Ago

A convention of the four-minute committeemen and speakers of the state has been called for April 20 at I.O.O.F. by Chief Justice P.A. McCarran, who is the state chairman of the four-minute men. Judge McCarran will present a report to the convention and make recommendations for additional activities by the four minute speakers whose duty it is to give the public information, spread American propaganda, meet and repel enemy propaganda in every community of the state.

70 Years Ago

All the commotion over the noisy flight of a BT-13 airplane over Carson City Monday afternoon resulted from the pilot’s understandable desire to let his wife know that all was well with him. J. Leon Indart emphatically denied he was at an altitude less than 1,000 feet. Monday he had been late getting into the air at the Reno airport and felt that his wife might be worried about him. Additionally, he wished his associates at the Old Corner Bar to know that he was in the air and “doing all right.”

50 Years Ago

Carson City’s seventh Vietnam casualty was recorded Friday with the death of Army Sgt. Daniel L. Ackerman. The 21-year-old graduate of Carson High School in 1966 was the son of the Cecil Ackerman. A three-year letterman in track while in high school Ackerman was a shot put and discus thrower.

30 Years Ago

On Saturday, “The Glenn Lucky Ride for Cerebral Palsy and Special Olympics” will begin from the Capitol Complex at 6 a.m. Glenn Lucky is one off the 700,000 people in the United States diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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