Letters to the editor for Friday, April 20, 2018

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Traffic work in recent years has improved city

If Patrick McGuire is so concerned about Carson City, he should pay attention to what goes on in the city.

The intersection at I-580 and Highway 395 had a traffic signal before I-580 was completed, and the traffic on Highway 395 was very heavy. The interchange that is proposed will do little to reduce the wait at the traffic light.

The proposal is for a tunnel to go under Highway 50 with a traffic light on Highway 395. You would still have to wait for a light. I-580 would not have been started yet for lack of $30 million to build the interchange.

Carson Street south of Fairview Drive is badly in need of repair because of the large amount of traffic before the interstate was completed. This money will be well spent to repair 395.

Carson City has done a great job in revitalizing our town and they should be thanked instead of criticized.

I appreciate a job well done.

Walt Ratchford

Carson City


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