Past Pages for Friday, April 20, 2018

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150 Years Ago

There will be a short vacation at the Carson District School, commencing on Monday the 20th, instant. Notice will be given in the Appeal of the day upon which the summer term will begin. The scholars who appear upon the Roll of Honor for the month ending April 18 are Misses Lucy Lilienfield, Nellie Madeira, Louisa Wilford, and masters Eddie Ashmore and Willie Green.

130 Years Ago

Stewart’s bill for the relief of merchants, who furnished supplies to Nevada during the Paiute troubles, has been favorably reported.

100 Years Ago

Chief Justice McCarran was a passenger on last evening’s train for Reno where he made preparations for the gathering of four minute men of the state which will be held in the riverside city on April 20.

70 Years Ago

Yesterday many rumors were circulated about Carson to the effect that the Germans had broken through the American ranks in France and had done direful damage to the “Yanks.” The Appeal, however, does not agree with the statement expressed in the morning paper by “some” individual that the reports were started through German propaganda.

50 Years Ago

A large turnout of $99 limited stock car drivers, owners and mechanics of Sierra-Nevada Auto Racing Association have elected three of their number to the 1968 Safety Committee — Harvey Wolfsen, Buck Wilson and Jim DeHaven, all from Carson City.

30 Years Ago

An earthquake with a magnitude of 3.3 on the Richter scale shook Nevada’s capital city at 1:31 p.m. Friday. The earthquake, centered on Prison Hill, near Edmonds Drive on the southeastern side of Carson City, is one of many every year.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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