Letters to the editor for Wednesday, April 25, 2018

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Change culture of divisiveness at voting booth

Given the hyper-divisive content of our current political climate, some may want to just tune out. With ongoing support for hate speech at the highest level of the administration and continued exploitation by Russian bots, these divisions can seem insurmountable. Daily, we read and hear the angry tones, petty insults and observe the continued devolution of ethical standards.

The good news is that millions are marching to protest these divisive actions and policies, frequently led by young people who believe change is possible. Even better, many are registering — and even pre-registering — to vote.

If you want to help register voters, please contact any of the following: Indivisible of Northern Nevada, League of Women Voters of Northern Nevada or Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada. Deadlines for registering ahead of the June 12 primary are coming up in May; details are available from the Nevada Secretary of State.

Laura Hale

Carson City


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