Past Pages for Friday, April 27, 2018

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150 Years Ago

More Startling Indian Rumors: We understand that the stage which runs between Susanville, Calif., and the Pacific Railroad was attacked by Indians, a day or two since in Honey Lake Valley and narrowly escaped being captured, and that it came into the stage stop with blood and bullet marks upon it, the passengers wounded, etc. What truth there is a mere matter of speculation.

130 Years Ago

A live Russian nobleman is expected on the Comstock at any moment.

100 Years Ago

With a spontaneity born only of a spirit which always puts a Nevadan over the top in whatsoever he or she undertakes, Carson City responded to the call of Liberty Day with one of the most impressive and never-to-be-forgotten events in the history of the town.

70 Years Ago

An official of the Carson Indian Agency disclosed today that two small Indian boys, both students at the Stewart school, wandered off the reservation about a week ago and have not been heard from since. Two Indian trackers picked up their trail east of Stewart and traced the lads down to the banks of the Carson River and north to New Empire.

50 Years Ago

In an 18-page document, Howard Hughes attempted Wednesday to answer why the acquisition of his fifth and sixth Las Vegas casinos would not constitute a monopoly.

30 Years Ago

A major golf club manufacturer, set to tee off this fall, not only will furnish Dayton with 58 jobs, but will be working hand in hand with the community college’s robotics program.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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