The Popcorn Stand: Using Marx to make Marks

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Karl Marx must be rolling in his grave.

Marx’s birthplace, Rheinland-Pfalz, and surrounding areas are celebrating Marx’s 200th birthday that would make the most ardent of capitalists proud. Marx, considered the father of communism, probably never imagined he would become the father of such a capitalist party.

The subject of free enterprise that’s getting the most attention is the ‘zero-euro’ bill which has the likeness of Marx. The zero-euro costs three euros, by the way.

The irony continues. In Chemnitz, which used to be called Karl-Marx-Stadt, they’re selling beer with the name Marx townspeople. Karl Marx wine is also being sold in the area. At least the wine is red.

Of course if you’re going to buy Karl Mark wine and beer you’ve also got to buy cups to go with your drink and there’s plenty to go around with cups featuring images of Marx and quotes from the man available for purchase.

While the zero-euros seem to be the most popular item, my favorite item being sold are the Marx-themed rubber duckies. I wonder if Rotary Clubs would ever consider using Marx-themed rubber duckies for their fundraising races? I know I would donate to that cause.

So it seems at least during the time of Marx’s birthday, some innovative capitalists have given a whole new meaning to what it is to be Marxist.

— Charles Whisnand


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