Past Pages for Aug. 22-24, 2018

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

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150 Years Ago

The Pavilion is No More. Its roof is out, its plastering bust, its soul is with the gods, we trust. No more shall its walls sound to the voice of Maish or the fiddle of the brotherhood; never again will the pomp and circumstance and honesty of Republican Conventions be apparent there ...

130 Years Ago

The water in the Truckee River is so low that only part of the electric lights in town can be lit.

100 Years Ago

Big Crowd At Work. At the regular meeting of the Carson City Red Cross chapter this afternoon in the assembly room the members devoted their time to work on the quote of garments, etc., which must be done by Oct. 1. Between 60 and 75 workers were present and all found plenty to do.

70 Years Ago

Expenditures of Movie Concern at High Figure. That the Twentieth Century Fox Film corporation of Beverly Hills, Calif., spent considerable money in Carson City while shooting portions of the forthcoming film, “Chicken Every Sunday,” was revealed today in a letter to Roy M. Whitaker, secretary of the Carson City Chamber of Commerce. The company says it spent somewhere between $32,000-$33,000.

50 Years Ago

Lee Evans, running so hard at high altitude that he ended up in an oxygen tent, turned in his fastest 1968 time at 400 meters Saturday, finishing in 44.9 seconds.

30 years ago

(Photo Caption) Almeda Allen, wife of Patrick Allen, the last roadster for the V&T Railroad, placed the first personalized brick for her late husband Wednesday at the State Railroad Museum.


150 Years Ago

The Carson Race Course has been repaired with great care and is pronounced by good judges to be in better condition than ever — and it has always been regarded as one of the best tracks on the coast. Lively racing may be expected at the club meeting.

130 Years Ago

The machinery of the Meteor broke down on Sunday while a party was being carried around Lake Tahoe.

100 Years Ago

Thirty-two complete divisions, over 1,600,000 men, are in France, General March told the newspapermen today. General March said the United States had scoured the world for ships to accomplish transportation.

70 Years Ago

Stories relating to the founding of the Nevada Appeal — the state’s oldest daily newspaper — were interestingly related here yesterday afternoon by Roy R. Mighels. Mighels is the son of Henry R. Mighels, who founded the Carson daily newspaper in 1865. At that time the periodical went by the name of the Carson City Daily Morning Appeal, and, true to its appellation, came out regularly before noon each day of publication.

50 Years Ago

Carson City’s Tom Silsby out-dueled 10 other drivers last night in a see-saw battle to win the 25-lap modified main event at Tahoe-Carson Speedway.

30 years ago

Two of three Carson City residents allegedly involved in an odometer rollback scam used cash to post their bail Tuesday afternoon but will be represented at the city’s expense at preliminary hearings.


150 Years Ago

Fire on the Mountains. The blaze and fire in Douglas County, night before last yesterday morning, creating apprehension and alarm among people here for the folks in Genoa, was caused by a fire on the mountains away on the other side of Jobs Peak.

130 Years Ago

The Longest Day. Old miners stoutly maintain that on the longest day of the year the air in the tunnels and deep shafts stagnates. They say their candles can hardly be made to burn, and that they find it difficult to breathe. They assert that on that one day the earth and the atmosphere are in about the same situation as the crank of an engine that has tuck on its center.

100 Years Ago

All but nine of the 103 men of the new unit of soldiers to be trained at the university training camp under the direction of Captain Myers have arrived and are now busily engaged in becoming acquainted with the life of a soldier. Two German spies, who recently escaped from a Southern Pacific train at Moor, Nev., were captured 11 miles east of that place by a Southern Pacific freight crew.

70 Years Ago

Varga’s Execution Suspended Pending Appeal to Court. Four convicted slayers are now in prison death row. Varga was slated to die next month following an Elko jury finding him guilty of the brutal slaying of Mrs. Billie Rhea Morning, wife of a Wells minister.

50 Years Ago

Displaying a considerable amount of depth, the Carson City Aquanots out-swam three other teams Thursday in the third annual Virginia City Individual swimming meet.

30 years ago

Kay Glanzmann is retiring as head teacher of Elvera Bishop Christian Preschool in Carson City. She is retiring after 12 years.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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