Cheers & Kudos: Supporters of ‘Notorious Nevadans’ event thanked

Dave Pierson

Dave Pierson

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The Friends of the Nevada State Museum (FNSM) thanks everyone who attended, donated to, and participated in the sold-out and overwhelmingly successful performance of their original production of A Night with Notorious Nevadans.

The historic Governor’s Mansion’s Nevada Room provided the perfect backdrop for attendees to share a drink with John Mackay from Virginia City; talk politics with early suffragette Sadie Hurts, Nevada’s first female legislator; and meet Adolph Sutro from Virginia City or Belle Butler from Tonopah. Other historic figures including Laura Fair (Kim Harris), Governor Roswell K. Colcord (Ron Roberts), Abe Curry (Dave Pierson), and William Stewart (Bob Nylen) were also present to share their stories and give glimpses into their lives in early Nevada.

The event raised funds for the Friends to support the work of the Nevada State Museum to provide educational programs for visiting students, learning experiences for all ages on Family Fun Saturdays, and funding for other improvements at the museum when state resources aren’t available.

Raffles at the event were supported by Benson’s Feed & Tack, The Fox Brewpub, In-N-Out Burger, Mom & Pop’s Diner, North Carson Starbucks, The Purple Avocado, and many members of the Friends organization.

Of special note were the donations by Northern Nevada Coin and Silver of an uncirculated 1884 silver dollar with the “CC” mint mark that was pressed at the historic Carson City Mint, and a handmade quilt commemorating the Pony Express completed by Friends member Judi Miller.

The Friends of the NSM is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation dedicated to helping the Nevada State Museum provide services to guests touring the historic Carson City Mint and Museum as well as the State Capitol.

Individuals interested in becoming involved can call 775-687-4810, ext. 237 to participate in the museum’s next volunteer training programs on Mondays and Tuesdays, Sept. 10-11 and 17-18.

Daniel Neverett

Friends of the Nevada State Museum


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