Letters to the Editor for Dec. 12, 2018

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Thanksgiving’s roots lacking from interfaith article

Regarding the staff report, “Interfaith Leaders Celebrate Thanksgiving,” was happy to see duly noted, “Thanksgiving traces roots to Plymouth, Mass. settlers 1621...and became annual tradition here in United States 1863.” According to another source, however, it became America’s first national holiday with “Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation 1789.”

NOT duly noted in this article was that it is a Christian holiday rooted in the Pilgrims’ quest for freedom to worship Jesus Christ. Nothing will ever change that, no matter how many other religious “leaders” strive to “unite” and become “inclusive” for a “broader understanding of religion.” John 3:16 stands.

Joy Uhart


Residents hold right to sell property if they choose

We usually read and enjoy Guy Farmer’s columns, but the sheer audacity of his latest comments and Abby Johnson’s, Dec. 8, require rebuttal. Farmer writes, “Most of us westsiders want to continue to enjoy Anderson Ranch’s natural beauty and unobstructed views.” Spoken like a true elitist.

First, while personal enjoyment may be important, private property rights are even more so. The Andersons have a right to use and sell to buyers who meet local and legal zoning regulations.

We have long believed open space vital to Carson’s quality of life. Perhaps the city should explore more central city acquisitions or easements. Barring those possibilities, Johnson and Farmer certainly have the right, with their own checkbooks, to purchase the property and enjoy it for westsiders and all of Carson City.

Pam and Steve Robinson

Carson City


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