Past Pages for Dec. 26-28, 2018

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

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150 years ago

Christmas “Tom and Jerry” by the pitcherfuls was donated to this office by the generous proprietor of the Magnolia saloon. The printers, who drank it all, return thanks.

130 years ago

A wet sloppy snow set in yesterday just enough to make a muddy Christmas. The river is rising and the snow is two and a half feet deep in the mountains.

100 years ago

Homer Andrew, who has been in town for a number of days and who left yesterday for his ranch near White Rock, says that his entire family, himself included, had the flu and that they cured themselves with sagebrush tea. This is an old Indian remedy and they found it very effectatious. — Elko Free Press

80 years ago

The body of J.A. Johnson, 54, a native of Sweden, was recovered from an abandoned mine shaft in Tuscarora, following a freak Christmas accident. As Johnson was driving home form a party the front wheels of his car stuck in the shaft. Johnson did not “gun” the car in an attempt to back out, but turned off the ignition and lights and stepped from the car and into the shaft, falling a distance of seventy feet. It was believed this is the only violent death during the three-days holiday period.

50 years ago

Eager to return home after their historic orbit of the moon, the Apollo 8 explorers streaked toward the earth today on a perfect course for a landing in the Pacific Ocean on Monday.

30 years ago

Northern Nevadans appear to be in for a whiter Christmas than most dreamed of or have ever known. In the storm’s wake, hundreds had to dig out of their cars, or are simply staying at home. Others left stranded cars stuck in snow drifts.


150 years ago

Christmas in Carson passed off pleasantly and quietly with one or two unfortunate exceptions, caused by certain young gentlemen who drank too much egg-egg-nog and suffered themselves to be led into the temptation of kicking up a row in quarters where they had no business. Children banged away at toy drums, tooted small horns and enjoyed themselves into good healthy fatigue; and everybody went home satisfied and happy.

130 years ago

The Appeal acknowledges the receipt of a dozen of champagne from Bryson and Givevich for a Christmas remembrance. An establishment that can strew Roslerer round is that lavish way is well on its feet — more so in fact than the editor who receives the wine.

100 years ago

Got the Kaiser’s Goat. A card was received and the executive office this morning addressed to Governor Boyle from the “jolly tars” of the big battleship Nevada. Depicted on one side was a cartoon representing a sailor boy dragging a big “Billy” goat at the end of a rope and under it the words “We Got the Kaiser’s Goat for Christmas.” On the other side was printed a Christmas greeting to the governor.

80 years ago

While Miss Rose Fodrin was answering the telephone in the Fodrin Realty office about nine o’clock Christmas Eve her automobile, parked on the curb, was stolen. It is believed two strange Indian youths, who had the tank filled with gasoline before driving out of town. Miss Fodrin’s packages unopened Christmas gifts were in the machine when it was stolen.

50 years ago

(photo caption) Now just a frame poised against a snowy landscape, the new First Baptist Church is expected to be completed by the end of February. Located on North Mountain Street, the church will have an auditorium that will seat 350.

30 years ago

A manufacturer of Agent Orange and other dioxin-tainted herbicides know of dangers to workers for 12 years, but rejected safety modifications because they felt it could have hurt productivity, documents show.


150 years ago

Bad Breeding and Dirty Minds. Our Theater in Carson has a most excellent corps of actors, and is generally patronized by the gentlemen and ladies of our city, who gather in the hall dedicated to Thespis to enjoy an hour of sweet recreation and forget the crew and labor of the day. They pay their dollar and expect to be protected from the vulgar and obscene language used by the “bummers” in the back seats.

130 years ago

The children of the Orphan’s Home have fared remarkably well this Christmas. Each had a beautiful present purchased with the money presented them by Messers Trincaso and Heidenger. Cagwin and Noteware also sent boxes of dolls, dishes, books and various other things to delight their hearts.

100 years ago

According to the San Francisco Chronicle that arrived yesterday Lieutenant Governor Sullivan was registered at the Saint Francis the night before. So for a day or two Nevada has been without a governor, and nothing went wrong.

80 years ago

The “college boys” defeated Berger’s basketball team last evening by the score of 17 to 9. The score a the end of the first half was 4 to 2. For Berger’s team the scoring was as follows: Shriver 3; Congdon 2, Gold 2 and Reading 2.

50 years ago

Hope for the survival of missing skier David Ross, Jr. remains faint as the glow of a distant camp fire spotted Sunday evening. The Washoe County Sheriff’s Department called the two day search off Sunday afternoon but said efforts to locate the 19-year-old Carson City youth, would still continue.

30 years ago

Unemployment in Nevada plunged in November to 4.4 percent, the lowest rate in nearly 10 years, the state Employment Security Department reported today.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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