Past Pages for Dec. 29, 2018-Jan. 1, 2019

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

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150 years ago

Small Pox at Clear Creek. Some days since Mr. Henry Ross of Clear Creek called upon us and requested we make a denial, through our columns, of a report which had gained circulation. We acquiesced in his request, but it would seem that there was more foundation for the rumor. Within a few days two of his family have been confined and are being treated.

130 years ago

Parties in this State owing to the Appeal are requested to settle by Jan. 1st., or the accounts will be placed in the hands of attorneys. Of course this doesn’t mean the man who is reading this paragraph; it means the fellow around their corner or in the next town.

100 years ago

Two Flags. To an American the flag of his country is not only the most beautiful in the world but the most charged with meaning. Its thirteen stripes indicate the thirteen original states, while the stars in the azure field show the number of states that now make up the great republic. Where is there an American soldier that cannot give a good description of the American flag?

80 years ago

Miss Rose Fodrin’s automobile, stolen from Carson Saturday evening, was located near Schurz by a Mineral County officer yesterday. The machine, minus the key and battery and damaged on the bottom from running over a boulder, will be brought to Carson today. The Mineral sheriff did not have information as to the state Miss Fodrin’s Christmas gifts that were in the machine when stolen.

50 years ago

Discovery of the remains of a campfire spurred an intensified search today for a young Carson City skier missing four nights in the Slide Mountain-Mount Rose area northwest of Carson City. Ross, a freshman at the University of Nevada, became separated from five skiing companions after saying he would ski to Washoe Valley.

30 years ago

Snowplowing is not cruise for the crews who been working overtime blazing a trail for local drivers.


150 Years Ago

White Pine lumber: Residents of White Pine are being furnished with sugar pine lumber to build houses through arrangements with the Lake Bigler Lumber Company. Lumber costs $300 per thousand in White Pine and is very scarce.

140 Years Ago

Rodents: Travelers from Bodie report the camp is infested with rats. The absence of cats is a striking feature of the place. The feline market of Carson is overstocked. Why not take a cargo of the moonlight warblers to Bodie and realize a handsome result from the venture.

130 Years Ago

Orphan’s Home. After the children had received their gifts, there came additional gifts of beautiful things from St. Paul’s Sunday School of Virginia City. This rendered their Christmas joy complete in knowing that so many friends had thought so kindly of them.

110 Years Ago

Violator defended: Word has been received at the United States marshal’s office that the case of the government against D.C. Rheanzone for bringing liquor into “dry” territory was dismissed. It was shown at the investigation that the liquor, which was shipped in a case and unmarked, left the point of shipment before Nevada’s prohibition law went into effect.

50 Years Ago

Photo caption: “Patrick’s Day—Patrick Joseph Gannon, the first baby born in Carson City in 1969, swooned into the arms of Carson-Tahoe Hospital nurse Wilma Cawleti when he was told he was the winner of the Appeal’s 16th Annual Baby Contest. The day-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gannon is the heir to $300 in prizes.

20 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Wallace Theaters, Northgate Movies 10—‘You’ve Got Mail,’ ‘Stepmom,’ ‘Mighty Joe Young,’ ‘Patch Adams,’ and ‘The Faculty…’


150 Years Ago

Advertisement: “New Year’s Party! A social party will be given at Moore & Parker’s Hall on Friday evening, January 1, 1869, under the management of the Ladies of the Episcopal Church, the proceeds to be applied to the payment of the Society’s indebtedness. Tickets, (including supper) $3.00…”

140 Years Ago

Trumpets and bells: At an early hour last evening, the Carson street arabs took advantage of the license granted on New Year’s Eve to make all the noise one or more can, and gathered all the old cow bells and trumpets that could be secreted in an honorable manner…. The turmoil was kept up until rather a late hour even for arabs.

130 Years Ago

All sorts: There is a parrot in this city that swears horribly.

110 Years Ago

The greatest year in history: With the toll of the last bell at 12 o’clock tonight we will pass into the history of the year 1918—a year that has imprinted greater accomplishment on the calendars of time than any similar period in the world’s history…

50 Years Ago

Howard Hughes: Air West Directors reached an agreement to sell the airlines to financier Howard Hughes for $84 million.

20 Years Ago

Kenny Guinn’s inauguration: Arrangements are being made for the inauguration of Kenny Guinn, Nevada’s 27th governor. Blue bunting is being draped between the Capitol’s columns and the state seal properly placed.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan and Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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