Letters to the editor for Tuesday, Jan. 9, 2018

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Voters, take advantage of next election cycle

I am addressing this letter to all concerned voters, whether you are a Republican, Democrat, Independent or unaffiliated. 2018 will be important on many fronts. This is a simple plea for you to think long and hard about making a positive change for our country. 2018 will see many changes in local, state and federal positions.

Over the past few years we have seen our way of life dramatically eroded. The concept of “one person, one vote” was replaced by “Citizens United,” a euphemism that in essence gave industry and large corporations voting power the same as you and I. “Big money” buys elections. Now we are seeing proposed legislation that will grant religious organizations voting privileges while maintaining tax-exempt status.

One of the major ways we can contain this insanity is by the power of the vote and to think long and hard before your vote is cast. Many of you have seen the Dean Heller advertisements on television. Senator Heller comes into our living rooms and has the nerve to tell us, “I have the best interests of Nevada citizens at heart,” when I vote. Nothing could be further from the truth. He has voted to support the “new and improved” tax reform bill which is a smoke screen endeavor to increase the wealth of the top 1 percent, who are already wealthy. Heller also supports the repeal of “net neutrality.” This will allow Internet providers free rein to either slow down internet access or charge more.

Joel Flamenbaum

Carson City


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