Senator Square: Carson High School varsity basketball team moves audience to tears

CHS Student of the Week Nathan Wetzel

CHS Student of the Week Nathan Wetzel

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What happened at the Jan. 4 Carson High School varsity basketball game was so amazing that it moved many people to tears and filled them with love for their country and for each other. It all began in the usual fashion. Players were warming up beforehand, coaches were working out details with each other and the referees, and it was overall pretty typical pre-game stuff. However, unlike any game in CHS teacher Tod Jennings’ memory, this one would become unforgettable. According to Jennings, “At the game there were some challenges getting the Star Spangled Banner to play.” People were anticipating the music to begin playing, but nothing was happening. Jennings then said that all of a sudden, out of the blue, “our kids, yes, our Carson High kids, started to sing the national anthem without accompaniment ... it was amazing!” Jennings when on to say, “Though they were not on key, and though they were not all together, they were all singing and paying respect to our flag and our country; it was an amazing moment.” CHS teacher Jim Bean eventually went up and cued up the music so that it was played by whatever professional group was cued, but there was no comparison to the CHS students who took it upon themselves to render the honors of the night. Jennings said, “I spoke with a fellow veteran, one who as a veteran and with difficulty stood and rendered the appropriate salute, and we agreed how amazing it was that our kids, our Carson High kids, proudly sang our national anthem.” Jennings, whose son is also in the military, said, “It made me so proud to live in Carson City and to be a part of the Carson High School Community, and it reminded me how much I love these kids who truly get it.”


An impromptu performance of the Midnight Blues CHS Jazz Ensemble Jan. 12 allowed students to come and hear wonderful award winning groups during lunchtime in Senator Square. One more reason why students love attending CHS.


Congratulations to CHS’ Robotics Team, Cyber Mafia, for not only taking first place at the McQueen robotics meet, but also winning all the matches. The team members are Casanova Segura, Luke Bowler, Nanami Duncan, Alán Serrano, Andrius Stankus, Emmanuel Alvarez, Michael Carine, Sarai Jaragui, Rylan Fancher, and Nevan McIlwee.


FCA hosted a nine square in the air tournament and activity in the big gym Jan. 16 at lunch. Youth groups, boys and girls clubs, and churches are using this newer game to create fun physical activities which focus on exercise and team-building. One was set up for tournament and one for those who just wanted to play for fun. FCA is here, and CHS advisor Ty McMillen has some great ideas this year, not to mention the other FCA groups in the area.


The senior project highlight is Johann Thomson. Johann’s project is working alongside his mentor Lorraine Mannart in order to learn about short wave radios and what it takes to become a licensed operator. Being a shortwave radio operator is something that has always interested him so he decided the senior project was a great reason to both learn and fulfill a graduation requirement. Johann will test in February to receive his amateur radio operator license and in April the General Mobile Radio Service license or GMRS. As part of his training he recently attended an emergency management event for Washoe County. He is pictured with one of the licensed operators. He is not allowed to make any transmissions until he obtains his license, but in the meantime he has spent time listening in on local emergency transmissions and the Sierra Nevada Amateur Radio Association channels and studying for his tests. We wish him the best. Call CHS Library Clerk and Senior Project Coordinator Lavon Sollberger at 775-283-1640 with questions.


Greater Nevada Credit Union Education Branch Coordinator Julie Slocum presented CHS Leadership Advisor Ann Britt with a $250 support check to help with costs associated with obtaining new floor mats for the CHS big and small gyms. According to Ann Britt, “The mats will protect the gym floor during events such as Prom, Craft Fair, NHS Induction, Academic Letter Assemblies, and much more, and the estimated cost of the mats is $5,000; any contributions are very much appreciated.” Checks may be made payable to and sent to Carson High School Leadership Program. Questions, please email Ann Britt at


It is time again for the CHS Annual Talent Show, so strike up the band, grab a talent, singing, dancing, juggling, aerial silks, playing an instrument or even stand-up comedy, and sign up to perform. It is an opportunity to win cash prizes and perform in front of 700 students. Auditions are Jan. 24 after school in the upstairs cafeteria. The first 40 acts to return their application will be allowed to audition, so application packets may be picked up in room 249 or at the office. Packets must be returned by Jan. 23 to Mrs. Golik. Of those 40 acts to audition, 18 will be chosen to perform for the talent show on Feb. 7.


Parents, guardians, and students, ACT testing takes place on Feb. 27 at CHS. Why is the ACT so important and beneficial to a student’s future? The ACT helps students know whether or not they are college- and career-ready, it assists students with scholarships, and it is an entrance exam for most colleges and universities around the country. CHS teachers and staff are currently preparing students for the test with in-class activities, after-school boot camps, and videos explaining the ACT’s importance. All CHS juniors will take the ACT college placement test. It is the intent of CHS to continue to build on its past successes with students performing at the highest levels on this important exam. Along with math and science, the LAD is hosting a four-week ACT boot camp after school for students. It will be from 2 to 4 p.m., twice a week for around a month.


NHS is gathering personal items for Advocates to End Domestic Violence through Jan. 31. AEDV is a private, not-for-profit organization, and its mission is to “provide a safe, supportive environment where domestic violence victims can re-examine their view of themselves and work toward a violence free future; we accept a woman as she is and encourage her positive growth toward independence and self- sufficiency.” AEDV was formed in 1979 by two formerly battered women who saw a need for a domestic violence program in Carson City. They have grown from a small two-bedroom apartment, to a full service program that operates a 51-bed shelter and provides a wide variety of services designed to protect and support battered women and their children in the community. AEDV needs towels, laundry detergent, twin sheet sets, white pillow cases, shampoo, deodorant, bar soap, lotion, dish soap, cleaning products, disposable baby-wipes, diapers (sizes 4, 5, 6 and pull-ups) toilet paper, paper towels, and more everyday items. Please get classmates, friends, neighbors and the whole community involved for a great cause. Items may be dropped off in Room 221. Email CHS teacher and NHS advisor Brian Branch with questions:


CHS Athletes of the Week for Jan. 15-19 are Lauren Lemburg for girls varsity basketball and Brandon Macias for boys varsity wrestling. These athletes, and all students who participate in school functions through leadership, clubs, and sports, deserve a high level of congratulations for going above and beyond society’s expectations.


This issue’s CHS Student of the Week is freshman Nathan Wetzel. He is striving for perfection in Honors English I, speech and debate, and student council. His favorite class is civil discourse with Patrick Mobley. In his free time, Nathan said, “I collect antique furniture and hang out with my friends at Comma Coffee.” Nathan Wetzel adds to the wonderful place of education that is CHS.


This week’s outstanding Senior in the Spotlight is Nathan Gonzales. Nathan is an amazing student with a 3.83 GPA. He takes Jump Start classes at Western Nevada College, which include Applied Industrial Technology, and he will be graduating soon with his associate’s degree and his CHS diploma. By taking the AIT classes at WNC and completing his coursework at CHS, he will graduate with his Certification in Applied Industrial Technology. After graduating CHS, Nathan would like to stay in Northern Nevada working for Panasonic. Nathan plans on taking the 3P classes through Panasonic. Upon completing all of those classes, he will be able to earn more and become a shift lead in charge of his own department. CHS is very proud of Nathan, and the teachers and staff know he will be successful. Congratulations to Nathan Gonzales.

Phil Brady is an English teacher at CHS.


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