Past Pages for Thursday, July 12, 2018

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150 Years Ago

Nice Ice Cream: Mose Haine’s garden is rich in the fruits of the earth. That place ought to be a general resort for our townspeople. It is a pleasant evening’s walk to the garden and then to have some of the best ice cream that ever tickled a palate.

140 Years Ago

On the street: Black mustang — He was variegated with white marks and aroused the curbstone brigade while entertaining his rider with some prancing and very decided efforts in the bucking line.

Organ grinder: A small organ with a one-armed man made music in the ear of Carson Street citizens. A placard on the front side of the instrument says:

“Gentle grinder, as thou grandest

In mine ear the Hundredth Psalm,

Wherefore givest thou when thou findest

Pence in thine unwashened palm?”

120 Years Ago

All sorts: Miss Amie Meder is rapidly improving in health. The genial and familiar phiz of Charlie Boskowitz graced the street yesterday. Miss Nellie Winters of Washoe spent yesterday in Carson, the guest of Miss Smaill. Born in this city, July 7, 1898, to the wife of August Berning, a son.

100 Years Ago

Fall of the Bastille: The anniversary of the fall of the French Bastille will be commemorated at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church. Governor Boyle will make an address and special music will be rendered by the choir and the Carson Quartette.

70 Years Ago

Hollywood Studio begins work: Sets for “Chicken Every Sunday” are being erected in Carson City. The movie is based on the growth of Tucson, Ariz. The south entrance of the state Capitol is undergoing a change to a high school while other sets are being constructed on Musser and Valley streets. Several hundred extras from Carson City and Carson Valley are to be used in the class graduation scene.

20 Years Ago

Nuclear waste growing: If a dump at Nevada’s Yucca Mountain opens in 2010, there will be more than 80,000 metric tons of fuel waste awaiting disposal. It is enough nuclear waste to bury a football field 23-feet deep.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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