Past Pages for Saturday, July 14, 2018

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150 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Railroad lands in Nevada. T. D. Edwards, Carson City, Nevada. Agent and Attorney for the Central Pacific Railroad Company for their lands in the State of Nevada. Persons desiring to purchase land in the State of Nevada belonging to the Central Pacific Railroad Company, should make immediate application to me at my office in Sweeney’s Building, Carson City, Nevada.”

140 Years Ago

Here and there: Glazier — The glazier has an establishment on wheels. When the boys find out that the window-setting man has gone into business in his wholesale way, won’t they be tempted to give him a job? It is paneful (sic) to think of.

120 years Ago

Advertisement: “We sell the best goods,” Ladies Muslin Underwear, nightgowns, chemise, drawers, corset covers, etc. The makes are the best, the prices the lowest. Isaac Olcovich.”

100 Years Ago

Topics in brief: A shortage of wool in Germany is fast approaching the state when the Kaiser will no longer be able to pull it over the people’s eyes. (New York World)

70 Years Ago

Early-Day Photos Wanted: Pictures of Nevada cities when the historic Wells Fargo offices were in operation are wanted. Two eastern authors are currently collaborating on a book dealing with the pioneer transportation line. The photos are being sought by Lucius Beebe and Charles Clegg who are writing a book called “Wells Fargo” to be published within a year’s time. Those wishing to loan pictures to the two should get in touch with them at their rolling-home, “The Gold Coast,” which is located in the V. & T. Yards.

20 Years Ago

Lucky Stores: The store was forced to vacate its location for the Carson City bypass. Lucky Stores sued the state for $2.1 million. The case was finally settled for $1.1 million.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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