Faith & Insight: July 22 is Parents’ Day: Tired yet?

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Happy Parents’ Day to all. Whether we are parents or not, we are all examples of adulthood and discipleship.

Being a good parent can be challenging and at the same time can be awesomely rewarding, exciting and fulfilling. In Christ we are never doing this alone. The Bible has a great deal to say about successful parenting and how to accomplish this task. Our primary charge is to teach our children the truth about God and his word. We are to admonish them in the word, the Bible, and to bring them up in a godly manner. Being a godly example and committing ourselves to the Lord and his word is the first step to good parenting and discipleship. Again, we are not alone. Remember, it’s not just about raising good and well-behaved children, it’s about preparing and equipping godly and responsible adults. We are raising adults. It’s always too soon to quit, never stop teaching, because we never stop learning.

Deuteronomy 6:7-9 teaches about instructional living at all times — at home, on the road, at night, and in the morning. Biblical truth is the foundation of our homes. These principles teach our children that worshiping God should be constant and continual lifestyle, not reserved for Sunday mornings or devotional prayers, or just times of need.

Obviously through direct teaching children learn much, but they learn much, much more by watching us. This is why we must be careful in all we do and say.

As we acknowledge and live out our God-given biblical roles, we establish God’s order. Husbands and wives are to be mutually respectful and submissive to each other, see Ephesians 3-6. We are all to walk in a manner worthy of the calling. In homes where single-parenting is the case, authority over the home is still a learned behavior and respect will be the result in both settings. Remember, we are never alone in his call.

The letter to the Ephesians teaches so much about the conduct of life. How we are to treat each other, employers, authority, parents and, of course, our Lord Jesus. Read, reread that letter, it’s wonderful.

What does it mean to you that Jesus gave himself for the church? The verse says “as Christ loved and gave himself,” we are to do the same. Love does, love gives, love lays down itself for others.

Discipline and instruction are tools of being a good parent and disciple. If we love our children we will teach them. Proverbs 22:6 states: “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Instructions and discipline must be balanced with love, or children may grow up resentful and discouraged (Colossians 3:21).

“Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4)

How does or has the Lord taught you, how is he still teaching you?

As a good parent, it is important to involve your children in the church life, fellowship and ministry. Regularly attend a Bible-believing church. Let them hear you pray and see you studying the Bible, discuss and study with them. Discuss with them the world around and teach them to see God through everyday life things, events and activities.

Don’t miss this:

A lovingly-involved parent will always be a parent lovingly involved.

If you feel like you need some biblical tools or guidance, we are here for you. Remember, as we never stop learning neither do they.

May the Lord bless and keep you.

Pat Propster is pastor of Calvary Chapel Carson City.


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