Jason Gardner competes in the newspaper toss during the End of Bike Week Party on Friday evening in McFadden Plaza.
Volunteers are still being sought for the third annual Carson City Off-Road mountain bike race June 15-17.
“It goes a long way in promoting the cycling culture throughout the region,” said Randy Gaa, volunteer coordinator for the event. “People come from all over the country for it.”
He said there are positions available on all three days.
“Every person who volunteers gets a goodie bag, just like all the riders do,” Gaa said. “They all also will get a 50 percent discount for any Epic Rides Event over the next year.”
The Carson City Off-Road is one in a series of races presented by the nationally recognized Epic Rides.
It kicks off Friday with a 15-mile ride and a fat-tire criterium in downtown.
Amateurs race the 35- and 50-mile course on Saturday, and the professionals race it on Sunday.
Volunteers are still needed to man the aid stations along the route at the Flume Trail, Kings Canyon Waterfall, Tower and Spooner.
The Flume Trail is wide open for a team of six people. Gaa said it would be a perfect opportunity for a nonprofit organization to get involved and raise some money.
“If a nonprofit can fully staff the aid station for both days, Epic Rides will donate $400 to their organization,” he said. “It’s a pretty cool deal.”
Aid station workers in the backcountry will provide riders with water, electrolytes and assorted snacks.
“It’s intense and it’s fun all at the same time,” Gaa said. “The pros are taking this seriously because they have a lot of money on the line. They’re here to do a job.”
Volunteers are also needed for Friday’s fat-tire crit.
“We need people to hold up lap signs for the riders,” Gaa said. “It’s also traffic control, which includes pedestrian control. You just have to keep people off the course as they try to cross.”
Volunteers for the kids race on Sunday need to be part cheerleader as well.
“You’ve got to encourage the kids, keep them going in the right direction,” he said. “Just make sure they don’t fall down and that they have fun.”
Gaa pointed out there are still spots available for cyclists to sign up for the race as well.
In addition to the biking events, the weekend also features live music and other events in the downtown corridor.
Gaa encouraged cyclists and other community members to take part in all of the festivities.
“The fact that Carson City hosts this event is a big feather in our cap,” he said. “Everyone knows now that Carson City is a cycling destination. Even the pros like riding it.”
To find out about volunteering opportunities or to sign up, go to http://signup.com/go/bwrwifb.
To learn more about the Carson City Off-Road or to register, go to epicrides.com.
Teri Vance is a journalist, freelance writer and native Nevadan. Contact her with column ideas at terivance@rocketmail.com.