Past Pages for Sunday, June 17, 2018

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150 Years Ago

The races today will begin at 1 o’clock. The first will be for a purse of $50, a single dash of a mile, one for all double teams in the state; entrance, $20; entrance money to be added to the purse. The second is for a purse of $50, open to all pacing horses. At the track the Carson Brass Band will be in attendance, and every facility will be afforded for such ladies and gentlemen in as may be desirous of attending.

130 Years Ago

On Sunday night Clem Berry attempted to retire to his domicile when he ran against a drunken Indian with a shotgun. He placed the weapon at full cock against Berry’s breast and told him to “get.” Berry “got.” Constable Bryan was sent for, but when he ran up against the savage with a shotgun at full cock he also “got” a la Berry. Jack Furlong and about a dozen citizens arrived and Jack inquired if they proposed to allow the Indian to run the town. The Indian covered Jack with his gun when the latter opened fire and the Indian also blazed away at long range. When the shot sprinkled into the crowd, all hands pulled their six-shooters and blazed at the Indian. He ran like a deer, the bullets flying all around him, and occasionally he would turn, pull a six-shooter and blaze at his pursuers. He outran the crowd and skipped out toward the river. No one knows whether he was hurt or not, but if he ever comes to town drunk again he is liable to be killed.

100 Years Ago

The ladies of St. Peter’s guild will give a cafeteria supper on the lawn of the rectory Thursday evening, June 20, from 6 to 7 o’clock.

70 Years Ago

David Blackwell’s appeal of a district court decision which sentenced him to death for the slaying of two Reno police officers will be heard here next week. The youthful 18-year-old slayer has been confined in a cell in the Nevada State Prison’s death row since Jan. 9. It was claimed Blackwell was placed in double jeopardy when, after pleading guilty to the slaying, the judge hearing the case declined to pass judgment because he did not believe in capital punishment for minors.

50 Years Ago

Hiring a consultant to advise on the purchase of the Carson Water Company, what to do about an 18-hole golf course, a wedding chapel rate ordinance, a new agreement on the city dump, and an improvement district for Mountain Street head a busy City Council agenda tonight.

30 Years Ago

If residents pass a bond issue for a proposed new $18 million public safety complex, property taxes on a $100,000 house would increase by $127. The complex would put the Clerk-Recorder, Justice Court, Municipal Court, Fire Station One, Fire Administration, District Courts, District Attorney’s office, Sheriff’s office and jail all in one complex.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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