Talk of the Town: SMART traveling for veterans

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Were you in the military?

Do you like to travel about?

Do you like to meet new friends?

This is what S.M.A.R.T. is all about.

S.M.A.R.T stands for Special Military Active and Recreational Travelers

It really is quite fun.

We have a Battle Born Chapter,

And we’ve only just begun.

We meet as a group a couple times a year,

But it’s the caravans that I like the most.

Last year, we went to Alberta, Canada

This year to the “Balloon Festival” in Albuquerque

But the caravans go from coast to coast

The trips are planned in advance

By a Wagon Master that knows what to do

The trip can be two weeks or more.

Seeing new sites and fun excursions

Is what we like to do

SMART RV Caravans go to Alaska, New England,

National Parks and more

SMART RVing has the best prices

The leaders are volunteers

Who could ask for more?

So it doesn’t matter what branch you’re from

The Canadian Armed forces, too.

If you’re interested in recreational travel

And veteran camaraderie,

SMART will welcome you!

“We are seeing the country we defend.”

Contact Ed Schnabel, president of the Battle Born Chapter, at 775-552-5965 and go to

Jenny Schnabel is a graduate of Arizona State University with a bachelor of fine arts degree. She welcomes poem ideas at The Chocolate Shoppe is in the Raley’s shopping center, 1363 Highway 395, Suite 7, Gardnerville, 775-267-1002,, Hours are 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays and 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturdays.