Past Pages for Oct. 3-5, 2018

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

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150 years ago

A Pertinent Reply. A lady who was startled out of her sleep by someone trying to enter the house cried out: “Who is there?” “Your late husband,” was the reply.

130 years ago

The Democrats of Ormsby appear to be undecided whether or not to put a county ticket in the field this fall. A number of members of that party have, however, expressed their intention to run independent if no nominations are made.

100 years ago

“As the opening gun in the food administration’s campaign to curb alleged profiteering in staples, questionnaires covering cost and sales prices on butter, eggs and cheese have been answered by the leading grocers in the state.”

70 years ago

Registration for General Election Ended: 2,173 are Eligible to Vote. Ormsby Democrats Outnumber GOPs, Statistics Reveal. Democrats of Ormsby County will outnumber Republicans by 204 when voters of this county to go the polls.

50 years ago

A Carson City man was arrested last night — twice — on a charge of driving under the influence. The second time police added a charge of leaving the scene of an accident.

30 years ago

Bureau of Land Management officials reported today they have discovered at least 140 more dead horses near Bald Mountain in central Nevada.


150 years ago

Early Telegraph Completion. We have received the following gratifying note from the managing agent of the Atlantic and Pacific States Telegraph Company: Mr. J. T. Goodman — Dear Sir: We are constructing our lines as fast as possible between here and Virginia City. We hope to complete our opposition line within 40 days.

130 years ago

Cloudburst at Coyote. J.W. Brown says there was a water-spout or cloudburst in the mountains at the head of Coyote Creek last week. A torrent of water over four feet deep, swept down the canyon, and cleaned the bed of the creek down to valley. Joseph Organ, who was building a barbed wire fence at the time, had to quit on account the atmosphere was charged with electricity to such an extent that sparks flew from the nippers with which he was fastening wire. — Silver State

100 years ago

The Tonopah Times, arriving last evening, reports the death of Elmer Bell, the youngest son of former State Senator T.J. Bell of Nye County. The young man was a member of the Marine Corps and stationed near Philadelphia. Spanish influenza is believed to have been the cause of death.

70 years ago

The Nevada Supreme Court late Monday denied the appeal of 19-year-old David Blackwell and ruled that he must die in the state’s lethal gas chamber for the slaying of two Reno police officers last November.

50 years ago

A practice probably as old as public assistance itself will begin vanishing from the Nevada scene January with the elimination of investigation to determine the eligibility of welfare applicants. At that time applicants for all but one category of aid will have only to complete a declaration attesting to their need and detailing their resources.

30 years ago

U.S. Bureau of Land Management officials said today they do not expect any immediate arrests of those responsible for killing at least 268 horses in barren central Nevada.


150 years ago

The following named persons have been naturalized in the District Court since the 1st instant: John B. Cassulo, John B. Renville, Thomas O’Connell, John Rowe, Jerry King, Pierre Marchanter, John Henry Thies. Several other persons whose names we could not conveniently obtain, were also naturalized.

130 years ago

A Slanderous Rumor. There is in circulation a report that a scheme is afoot to transfer to the state the $20,000 indebtedness of Washoe County, incurred in removing the state university from Elko to Reno.

100 years ago

The mystery of what was to become of the Las Vegas & Tonopah railroad, about which there has been many rumors of late, was officially solved today when J. Ross Clark, president of the road, announced that the company would discontinue operation of the line between Las Vegas and Beatty on Oct. 31.

70 years ago

A committee to further aims and ideals of the “Zeal for American Democracy” organization was formed at an enthusiastic meeting here Friday night. W.E. “Bill” Dunfield was elected chairman and Mrs. Jerry Lamb was named secretary.

50 years ago

Incumbents pointed with pride and challengers with dismay at the state of local government as the four Ormsby County Commission candidates locked horns in a marathon political discussion Wednesday at Heidi’s.

30 years ago

Carson City Parks and Recreation commissioners hope to decide tonight if they will withdraw 18 acres of city park land to make way for the proposed path of a U.S. Highway 395 bypass.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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