Past Pages for Oct. 17-19, 2018

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150 years AGO

Election Proclamation. It seems to us that His Excellency, the Governor should give official notifications to the people of this State, that an election is to take place on the 31st of the next month and while he is about it, it would be well to issue a Thanksgiving Proclamation.

130 years ago

It has not been decided as yet what shall be done with the boys who were found patronizing the juvenile wheel of fortune game, but the authorities will probably set them to work on the public building.

100 years ago

The word “cooties” did very well until the doughboys got to Europe. As they have changed many other things, including some of the kaiser’s ideas of world domination, however, the doughboys now have altered the appellation commonly given small animals which are the soldier’s companion in the trenches. Letters received from Chicago boys call them “seam squirrels” and “pant rabbits.”

70 years ago

Four sheep were killed and 12 were badly hurt, the majority suffering broken legs, when an automobile driven by a New Yorker who previously is residing at a Carson City motel plowed into a band of the animals being moved along highway U.S. 395. The sheep were owned by Raymond Borda of Gardnerville.

50 years ago

New, do-it-yourself welfare declaration forms will be given a test run in Reno and Las Vegas beginning Oct. 21, State Welfare Administrator Ravenna Van Houten said Monday.

30 years ago

Carson City Clerk Alan Glover said Friday that his election staff failed to add the state Supreme Court race between District Judges Bob Rose and Myron Levitt to local absentee and sample ballots. Glover said he would send out an additional ballot question on the state supreme court race to 570 absentee voters.


150 years ago

Victory and Then? We have anxious inquiries from Southern Unionists, especially Blacks, as to their future. They do not doubt Grant’s election; yet they ask — “What then? What can Grant do for us? What then, can the election do for us?”

130 years ago

Now is the best time of the year to visit Lake Tahoe.

100 years ago

Last evening Chris Smith and George Cushing entrained for Reno, where they will enter the training camp at the University of Nevada. Richard Smith, who has been assigned to the Vancouver barracks, was also an outgoing passenger. The Home Guard and Custer Relief Corps marched through the rain to the depot to wish the three boys Godspeed.

70 years ago

Eight trustees of the Nevada state prison this week dug the potato crop form the ground at the state orphan’s home farm, Roland van Der Smissen, superintendent, reported today. The crop was large and will fill the needs of the home for a year.

50 years ago

(Photo Caption) Largest So Far — Bertha and Tina seen here with their trainer, C.J. Madison, today became the largest entries to date in the Nevada Day parade. Berta weighs in at 8,000 pounds, and Tina a mere 850.

30 years ago

It’s a cold hard fact, drinking and driving is the highest killer of teen-agers in the country. Karen Peterson, president of the Carson City Safe Ride Association, said the program is important because it offers a practical solution to the problem of teen-age drinking and driving.


150 years ago

The registered names of the voters in Carson precinct, as copied from the Registry Agents Books at the hour of their closing appear in our columns this morning. They number six hundred and eight.

130 years ago

Stray horses and cows are running all over the town, and are even invading the Capitol square. Where are the night watchmen?

100 years ago

Miss Jean Hague, who has been working for the past two years both here and in California for relief of the Belgians, lately received two medals of silver with the name Miss Hague etched in gold. One is from the queen of Rumania and the other from Queen Elizabeth of Belgium.

70 years ago

Carson’s Senators and the Sparks Railroaders battled on even terms for three quarters here Saturday and then the visiting eleven exploded with a series of touchdowns to take a one-sided victory, 20-6. The game was witnessed by hundreds of spectators.

50 years ago

Lt. Gov. Ed Fike today proposed “serious consideration of the establishment of a national law enforcement academy similar to West Point.” Like made the proposal in a major campaign speech before several hundred Reno women in which he called for “an all-out war on crime.”

30 years ago

The Nevada Department of Transportation has begun creating wetlands at the south end of Washoe Lake to replace previous wetlands destroyed by the expansion of U.S. 395.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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