Chamber News & Views: On this Nevada Day, be #Carson Proud!

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Today is the day to be #Carson Proud!

As our contribution to this annual event, we wish to pictorially remind readers of the history and beauty found in Carson City, the true Heart of Nevada. It is here the history of this state has been – and continues to be – made. We wish we had space for all the wonderful photos we’ve taken of our community over the years, but space is limited, thus we are showcasing our favorites.

We became a community in 1858 – 160 years ago - and capital of the Nevada Territory on November 25, 1861, naming James Nye as the first territorial governor. When President Abraham Lincoln granted statehood to Nevada on October 31, 1864, Carson City was named the permanent capital, and it is about our admission to statehood we celebrate today.

We wanted to remind readers why Carson City is still a special place where there is still a sense of community, no matter the politics. Though, yes, we are growing, we hope the growth will be managed well to allow those who are seeking to relocate and those who are residents the breathing room we so cherish.

Each community has its own unique history, no matter the name or the state. While each can tout their wonderful outdoor activities, it’s the history that sets us each apart. There are the interesting founders, those who laid the cornerstone for the community yet to evolve. There are the oft repeated stories of the trials and tribulations, some with partial truth. Some of those stories are myths – as had been uncovered by former Nevada historian Guy Rocha – and some add to the glamour.

Consider the story of Abe Curry, founder of this City and how he came to buy Eagle Ranch in 1858 and the surrounding 865 acres for $1,000 after his offer to buy a corner lot in Genoa for the same amount was turned down. Considering Genoa way out of his price range, he bought Eagle Ranch, reputed to be so named because owner John Mankin shot an eagle and mounted it over his cabin. The name stuck and later the entire valley became known as Eagle Valley. That $1,000 investment then is today worth about $30,000. Seems like a rather good investment, even then. Is this story fact, partial truth or myth? We do know Genoa today still is far more expensive than Carson City!

We hope all will enjoy the history of this day while enjoying the annual parade that allows Carson City to shine. The museums welcome all at the free open house, the Governor’s Mansion is open to visitors after the parade. Walk the Kit Carson Trail and check out the many historic mansions built by our forefathers. Drive along the I-580 by-pass to view and learn the history that took place at each interchange. Get out and explore your Eagle Valley.

Let’s all continue to allow Carson City to shine as we go into the future. Happy 154th Birthday, Nevada! Happy 160th Birthday, Carson City!


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