Past Pages for Oct. 31- Nov. 2

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

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150 years ago

Several of the Ormsby county Union candidates are gentlemen who are already incumbents in office. They have each and all done their duty honestly and efficiently. But no man ever did perform his duty toward the public without getting curses from somebody.

130 years ago

Madam Modjeska, the queen of the world’s stage, will probably play here this Winter.

100 years ago

Bernard Aldax, a French Basque, died at the hospital in this city at 1 o’clock this morning from pneumonia, following an attack of the influenza. Aldax had been farming on a ranch between Carson and Linden and was taken ill the latter part of last week.

70 years ago

Although Halloween still isn’t officially here, some Carson City youths apparently think the night for merriment has already arrived. Carson kids, as is known, more or less get cheated out of the night inasmuch as October 31 for most people in the city means the anniversary of the state’s admission into the union.

50 years ago

(Photo Caption) Admission Day Entry. Gene Corey of Sacramento, known to his fans as “Mr. Mickey Mouse” returns to T-Car speedway for tomorrow’s Nevada Day Program.

30 years ago

Friday’s Northern AAA Zone Cross Country Championships were bittersweet for Carson High. First, Carson sophomore Kimberly Orlando won the girls race by one minute. The boys, however, were hobbled by sickness. They could only manage a second-place finish.


150 years ago

The Glass Blowers will exhibit in Genoa on Monday and Tuesday evenings. Thence they will go to Washoe.

130 years ago

About 10:30 on Sunday evening a fire alarm was sounded from Chinatown. It appears that a lamp exploded in a house owned by Bow She, and in a few seconds the interior was in a blaze. The night was absolutely calm, and a pillar of smoke rose straight in the air, and at a few hundred feet above the city spread out like a gigantic tree. Fourteen stores and houses were wiped out. The V&T Jimmy made 32 trips to the railroad tank for water. Of the buildings destroyed was an adobe opium den, a number of stores, houses and the Chinese Masonic Hall.

100 years ago

According to the Goldfield Tribune the first case of Spanish influenza appeared in that city last Tuesday. The schools have been closed and no public meetings are held. An ordinance is being published making it necessary for all to wear masks when appearing in public.

70 years ago

The mercury really took a nosedive early this morning. Testing officials at the state highway department reported the temperature slipped to only 13 degrees above zero for the coldest weather this fall season and the coldest mark recorded since March 15, 1948.

50 years ago

Mrs. Emma Jones received a 36 year pin from the Kit Carson Auxiliary to Veteran’s of Foreign Wars No. 3726. Several other members received pins for at least five years of membership.

30 years ago

Voter registration figures released Friday show Nevada Democrats outnumber Republicans 209,045 to 188,571, but the GOP’s get-out-the-vote effort in recent months produced the biggest percentage gains.


150 years ago

The Union speaking at the new Theater Hall, last night, was very largely attended. Governor Blasdel was called to the chair, and General Clarke took the stand and made one of the most eloquent and masterly speeches ever delivered in the Capital of this State.

130 years ago

Clem Berry will be around tonight with tamales which are perfection. He puts in only Spring chickens now; no crow until after the election.

100 years ago

Dr. S. L. Lee, chairman of the Ormsby County Council of Defense, has received the following communication from H.A. Lemmon, campaign manager for Nevada for the Fourth Liberty Loan drive: “I take special pleasure in presenting to your county an Honor Flag for the Fourth Liberty Loan.”

70 years ago

Mrs. Porfirio Rubirosa was just plain Doris Duke today, the richest woman in the world. Miss Duke slipped into the Washoe county courthouse shortly before closing time and got a divorce from the Dominican Republican diplomat. She charged extreme mental cruelty.

50 years ago

Some 40,000 visitors and local residents turned out yesterday to watch the mile-long, 200-plus Nevada Day parade commemorating this state’s 104th birthday.

30 years ago

Incumbent U.S. Senator Chic Hecht and Gov. Richard Bryan will meet in a date sponsored by the Las Vegas Review Journal and KLVX.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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