Letters to the editor for Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2018

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May John McCain reach that star

When I heard that John McCain had died, I felt a sense of sadness. He was a man who gave his life in service to his country. From the torture he endured in the North Vietnamese prison to his many decades serving in Congress, Sen. McCain worked to make the United States a better place. He put country before party — a concept that is sorely missing in today’s politics.

John McCain is a profile in courage. The words of the song “The Impossible Dream” describe John McCain’s life well. The last verse reads:

“And the world will be better for this

That one man, scorned and covered with scars

Still strove with his last ounce of courage

To reach the unreachable star.”

May John McCain, in his passing, now reach that star.

Carol Holzhauer


Heroic John McCain

Since World War II, my biggest heroes have always been Navy and Marine flyers; Butch O’Hare, Joe Foss, Ted Williams, Neil Armstrong, Wally Schirra, Al Shepard — you get the idea. John McCain has always led the pack. Even though I became disappointed with some of the positions he later took in the Senate, he has always been the best.

Ten years ago, while running for president, the media would deride him because he couldn’t use a computer. Never mind that he broke both arms and a leg when shot down over North Vietnam, never mind that the North Vietnamese sleazebags tortured him mercilessly for more than five years so bad that he could not raise his arms above his shoulders (The New York Times said someone else had to comb his hair). I don’t watch Saturday Night Live, but I’m sure they had a field day running him down then. Of course, the Democrats did and said everything they could to prevent his being elected.

Ironically, the Democrats are now falling all over each other praising him up one side and down the other — led by Charles @#$%^&* Schumer!

Trouble is, the kind of “irony” I see is spelled h-y-p-o-c-r-i-s-y!

John Frink

Carson City

Republican Party not what it used to be

I grew up in Reno and my father was a proud Republican. But one thing I am sure of is that he would not be proud of the Republican Party today.

My father believed in some big things that have always made America great — like adherence to the rule of law and freedom of the press.

He was a decent man, showing compassion for people less fortunate than himself, and believed in the conservation of our precious natural places.

Now the Trump administration is waging an all-out, multi-pronged assault on everything my father believed in.

We are all witnessing one of the grandest betrayals, ever, in human history.

If you share my love of America, and all that we have stood together for in this world up to now, please join me in voting against any candidate who toadies up to Donald J. Trump. We need to take our country back before it is too late!

Niki Houghton



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