Past Pages for Feb. 9-12, 2019

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

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150 years ago

Empire, Ormsby Co., — A miser named Seigel, occupying a miserable shanty on the outskirts of this place, was this morning found dead in his bed. Sarah being made, a flour sack containing $1,000 was found in a bundle of hay near his bed. It is in the hands of the County Commissioners.

130 years ago

Nevada State will without doubt soon have a lottery on the plan of the great Louisiana concern. The majority of the papers of the State uphold the scheme despite the blandishdemia of the Louisiana coin spent in an effort to defeat the proposal.

100 years ago

That it is a useless expenditure of state funds to make any further repairs to the old building on the present site of the site prison is the opinion of many of the members of the senate and the assembly who visited the prison and the prison farm today.

70 years ago

The worst blizzard of the winter season lashed Carson City last night with winds of gale proportions drifting snow to as high as four feet and causing traffic to remain at a virtual standstill. Throughout the state it was the same thing with the heaviest single storm in more than 20 years sweeping eastward, isolating many cities and towns and closing roads in dozens of places in the state.

50 years ago

“Marijuana is coming into the area in such quantities that it is impossible to keep potential users from gaining access to it,” Douglas County Dist. Atty. John Chrislaw said Tuesday.

30 years ago

Bitter cold cloaked Nevada for a third straight day, snapping temperature records from the northern border to the southern tip, filling homeless shelters beyond capacity and sending power bills soaring as people tried to heat freezing homes.


150 years ago

The Chinese New Year is upon us; and all the Flowery Kingdom and its subjects have abandoned themselves to the devouring of roast-pig, the consumption of extra rations of opium and the burning, in the post recess and extravagant manner, of squibs, rockets and fire crackers. John China has a better and bigger time of this New Years Day than is indulged in by the outside world.

130 years ago

Saloon Closing. Notice is hereby given that all saloons must be closed on Monday, February 11th, election day, in accordance with the law. John Ullrick, Sheriff.

100 years ago

With the front of his skull battered in, the face bruised and gashed until the features were almost unrecognizable, and the hands burned and blistered from a fire which had been started to destroy evidence of the crime, Charley Fong, a man from China something over 70 years of age, was found in his room in one of the old tumble-down shacks of Chinatown yesterday.

80 years ago

The application of the Virginia & Truckee Railway for authorization to handle less-than-carload lots of freight by motor truck to supplement service by rail to the territory in which the railroad operates, was heard by the Nevada public service commission today.

50 years ago

By Sue Morrow, Appeal Staff Writer. Nick Leopardi isn’t forever blowing bubbles, but he IS forever blowing glass. For the past 59 years, to be more precise. He and his wife, Mary, are new arrivals to Carson City and live in the DeLuxe Trailer Park. Leopardi has opened up a shop at the Silver Spur where he pursues his trade and sells novelties made of glass.

30 years ago

In less than an hour Thursday, the Senate Taxation Committee unanimously backed a constitutional amendment to increase mining taxes by $52 million.


150 years ago

Two men afflicted with small-pox died night before last in the county pest-house. One was a German who, when brought from Empire, was in a very alarming state — quite hopeless, in fact — and the other was also an Empire man, McGillis, by name. Dr. Thompson says that he never, in all his practice has seen such terrible cases of small pox as those now in his charge.

130 years ago

Lieutenant Governor Davis, who is sick with asthma of the heart in San Francisco has not yet gone to the southern part of California as it was reported, but is still there where he will have to remain for some time.

100 years ago

Subscribe to the Appeal.

80 years ago

The star government and legislature were today “taken over” by the Boy Scouts of the state. Scouts have before acted as officers of a state, as was done at the Nevada capitol a year ago, but today and in Nevada, Scouts for the first time acted as a state legislature.

50 years ago

“Motel 7” has been denied a city license on the grounds that its name is a form of rate advertisement and is therefore in violation of state law.

30 years ago

(Photo Caption) A mantle of ice covered Emerald Bay all the way to its mouth, as a result of the arctic that clamped a deep freeze over Lake Tahoe this week. This was the first complete surface freeze fo the bay since the winter of 1951-52.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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