Letters to the Editor for Jan. 9, 2019

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Water bills sent via e-mail could produce savings

Carson City mails water bills by snail mail to customers that pay their bill with a bank draft. This costs the city approximately $100 per year per customer, which could cost the city more than $1 million a year.

This waste can be eliminated by sending copies of the bills by e-mail.

You can sign up for e-mail copies by e-mailing your name, street address, phone number and e-mail address to utilitybilling@carson.org.



You also save a lot of trees.

Walt Ratchford

Carson City

Reader expresses gratitude for hospital staff

Dear Carson Tahoe Regional Medical Center:

I want to thank you all for the compassionate, professional care my daughter received tonight at your hospital.

I would especially like to commend four people: the check-in lady, the sitter, the triage nurse and Curtis, who seems to be the glue at the moment. (During renovations?) He really had a handle on everything, quite rare.

I thank you and God bless you all. You really help people like my daughter by not being judgmental.

If there were more of you four, the world would be a better place.


Barbara Dyer


City should support Do Drop In Center

A May 9, 2018, article titled “Shares Rising Concerns,” discussed how the Carson City Sheriff’s Office is stepping up enforcement with homeless around town. Here’s a thought: Why doesn’t the city support the Do Drop In Center? It’s a place for the homeless to hang out during the day, get something warm to drink, maybe some soup and get the resources they need. My recent visit with Dee Dee Foremaster at Do Drop In left me feeling upset that Carson City isn’t helping this facility. This woman needs help keeping this wonderful center open.

Come on, Carson City, let’s not close our eyes to a real problem here! Let’s step up and help this center so they can do what they do best — help the homeless.

Monica Marcinko

Carson City


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