Past Pages for February 26 to 28, 2020

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150 years ago

Artistic. — there is a mountain mahogany cane lying in Charley Friend’s window with a very richly engraved gold head and a very neat silver ferrule. The head and ferrule are that gentleman’s handiwork; and upon the former he has executed some raised and flat chasing. Mr. Friend is decidedly a first-class workman.

130 years ago

The Indian school is fast nearing completion.

100 years ago

Aint It the Truth.

Lives of editors all remind us.

That their lives are not sublime,

For they have to work like thunder,

To get the paper out on time.

80 years ago

Tommy Pardini was a business visitor in Reno this forenoon.

60 years ago

The tough Virginia City town team was dropped by the Stewart faculty 56-49, according to Archie Curley at Stewart. Stewart took the home gym advantage and lead the visitors , assisted by Max Coffee’s 16 points. Clint Andreason paced the Muckers with 20.

40 years ago

Justice of the Peace Tom Davis today denied a defense motion to close the preliminary hearing of three Las Vegas men accused of bribing Assemblyman Lloyd Mann, D.-Las Vegas.


150 years ago

Rain. — At last we are having an abundance of rain. The storm is very far extended, reading all over the coast so far as heard from. It snows in the mountains while the rain pours in the valleys. Dry, warm, open winters are a rare and delightful blessing when then end as this one promises to do. — with an abundance of what we need and expect.

130 years ago

The editor of the Appeal is again down with the grip.

100 years ago

An appeal was issued today through the railroad commission to all water consumers in California to join in a “save the water” movement. The statement declares the water supplies the lowest on record.

80 years ago

H. Hid’en (sic), representative of Finnish relief, addressed the Carson City Lions briefly at the beginning of today’s meeting and extended an invitation to all to attend a showing of recent war pictures from Finland which will be shown at Carson Indian School Friday, March 1.

60 years ago

An eight-year-old Carson City boy, who decided not to go to school this morning, was the subject of an all-out search by about 15 men today, with numerous others standing by to help. The boy was found shortly after the signal was called by the Warren Engine Co. volunteers. The boy was found hiding behind a fence two blocks from the school on Annapolis Ave.

40 years ago

A spokesman for the Douglas County Assessor’s Office said today some Lake Tahoe casinos have not been reassessed since 1968 because state and local governments have ignored repeated please for manpower to do so.


150 years ago

A Pine Grove Constable was able to find the money from the recent stage robbery by following some peculiar horse tracks at the location of the robbery. The stage driver said he was robbed by three, when there were only one set of horse tracks at the site of the robbery. And that one horse was missing a shoe. The constable was able to follow the tracks to Wellington’s Station and then to a place where the treasure was buried. We understand the driver, Rickey, has been arrested.

130 years ago

The army of snow shovelers has again been organized.

100 years ago

In order that there will be no delay in erection of the Nevada Memorial building by the capitol commission, plans are being made to submit advertising before the ground is cleared for the completion of the building.

80 years ago

The protest by Warren Engine Company No. 1 against the erection of an upright storage tank for gasoline at the Shell plant in close proximity to the Carson City Theatre, Virginia & Truckee freight depot and other Carson City businesses will be heard at a special meeting tonight of the board of the city trustees.

60 years ago

(Photo Caption) Gov. Grant Sawyer and representatives of the Norway olympic committee stand behind the grave of John A. Snowshoe Thompson’s grave during presentation ceremonies at Genoa Friday. The plaque presented by the Norwegians reads: “As a tribute to a great compatriot from Telemark, this plaque was presented by the Norwegian Olympic Ski Team competing at Squaw Valley in Feburary, 1960.”

40 years ago

Cars and motorbikes have been “ripping the hell’ out of the front lawn at Carson Junior High School during the past two weeks, Vice Principal Jim Capistrant said Tuesday.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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