#150 Years Ago
#Women’s rights in Hamilton: A party of our city matrons chartered a coach and started for a trip to Sherman calling themselves a lunch party. Not a male citizen excepting the driver was present, and he looked so chapfallen that he presented an unmistakable appearance of petticoat subjugation. If this is the secret and selfish way in which the women are going to conduct this campaign, we shall countervail them. Men’s rights may become a paramount issue if such conducts as those is permitted is to go on without let or hindrance. Lunch, forsooth!
#140 Years Ago
#Shower of frogs: There was a good shower of rain accompanied by thunder and lightning. At 4 o’clock when the storm was clearing up, a shower of frogs fell near the depot, about a thousand — from Washoe Lake.
#130 Years Ago
#Drinking water: Billy Hoffman drank copiously from a stream of water where some wild parsnips were growing. The son of a ranchman found him insensible on the ground. Remedies were used and after an hour he was revived — cattle were killed at the same ditch. (Reno Gazette)
#120 Years Ago
#Typhoid: Three cases of typhoid fever are reported in Gold Hill — caused from impure milk and water.
#110 Years Ago
#Advertisement: “The University of Nevada will open Monday, August 15, 1910, Courses in: Agriculture, Liberal Arts, General Science, Mining, Civil Mechanical and two years of Electrical Engineering; Education and Domestic Science. University High School — Four Years, For registry and further information, write to: J. E. Stubbs, Pres., Reno, Nevada.”
#100 Years Ago
#Wanted: Woman, preferably elderly, to take care of a child of three. Apply at this office.
#Lost: A boy’s overseas cap, khaki color. Please return to this office.
#Attendant wanted — Middle-aged lady wanted to take care of an old lady at Walley Springs. Apply to this office for particulars.
#150 Years Ago
#The Great Fire at Dayton: The fire broke out at 9 o’clock in an unoccupied insured building adjoining Howe’s fireproof store. It spread, burning Cross’ Hotel and other structures on the main street and laying waste some four blocks. The fire was stopped at the new Odd Fellows’ Hall. Mr. Bigelow, agent of the Pacific Insurance Company, said the number of buildings burned are 39 frame and 6 of brick or stone. Many were able to save their goods and furniture. This is a terrible disaster to Dayton and much sympathy is expressed here for the sufferers.
#140 Years Ago
#Bedbugs: There is a lodging house in Gold Hill where Virginia bed bugs are compelled to halt and give the countersign before they are allowed across the threshold.
#130 Years Ago
#Personalities: Larry Howden, the drummer who was reported to be frightfully mangled in Utah, arrived in Carson with only a small limp.
#Warren Dipple, clerk at the Arlington, assures us that he using all his influence to secure another face with a new smile. The one he is wearing now is out of date.
#120 Years Ago
#Cape Nome: People are returning from Cape Nome and pronounce it as a fraud. It is nothing but a steamboat boom. The placers have been all worked out, there will be great destitution and privation among those of small means when winter sets in. Woe to those who have not money sufficient to get away, but who will be compelled to remain and take up their abode under canvas roofs in that bleak country.
#110 Years Ago
#“At Barkley’s
#If you wish a bottle cold—
# Call at Barkley’s,
#If you love the goods that’s old
# Call at Barkley’s
#‘Taint no use to sit and blink
#If you really need a drink,
#Just make a sign or ring a bell.
#And you bet they’ll treat you right
# Up at Barkley’s
#The Monarch Saloon. Opp. Depot.”
#100 Years Ago
# People and notes of interest: Mrs. Martha Gleason, teacher of the Eighth grade, Carson grammar school, is visiting Mrs. W. J. Hunting at Glenbrook.
#150 Years Ago
#Woman’s Suffrage Meeting: A meeting was held in Elko. Frank Proctor presided and Miss Emily Pittson-Stevens and Mrs. Laura de Force Gordon made speeches.
#140 Years Ago
#The July snow: The air has been filled with flying fleece from the cottonwood trees. With a steady breeze, you can imagine a snow storm is in progress. An English tourist on his way to Lake Bigler (Tahoe) saw the peculiar sight and remarked: “Bless my soul, is this a snow storm in July !” “It’s a common thing,” replied Hank Monk. “By night the roads will be impassable.” “How romantic, you know. It beats a London fog hall ‘ollow,” said the Englishman.
#130 Years Ago
#All sorts: The Amateur Photographers of Carson are temporarily organized. The next meeting will be held at Dr. Southworth’s office. They will probably style themselves The Camera Club.
#The Lung Straining Club met at the residence of Miss Mettie Curry. The exercises were delightful but the plug hat collection was a flat failure.
#120 Years Ago
#All sorts: Bob Fitzsimmons and Gus Rublin have signed for a fight at Madison Square Garden.
#While beating a horse near Eureka, Frank Kossp had his jaw broken by a kick from the animal. Good for the horse.
#110 Years Ago
#Prisoner arrives: John Lee, sentenced to fourteen years in the State Prison for assault with intent to commit rape upon his daughter was taken to the State bastille and turned over to the tender mercies of Warden Maxwell who supplied him with a new stripped suit and will start him to work on the rock pile.
#100 Years Ago
#Old resident dies: Charles Fred Martin died at on West Fifth street after an extended illness. He was born in Memphis, Scotland county, Mo., November 15, 1862 and in 1863 was brought by his parents to this city. For several years he was telegraph lineman for the V & T. Mr. Martin had a severe attack of influenza in October, 1918, and never fully recovered. In 1919 he had a second attack followed by ptomaine poisoning which made it more complicated. He had been bedridden for the past six months. Miss Annie H. Martin and Mrs. Helen Martin Johnson of Long Beach, Calif.; two nephews and two grandnephews survive him.
#Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.
150 Years Ago
Women’s rights in Hamilton: A party of our city matrons chartered a coach and started for a trip to Sherman calling themselves a lunch party. Not a male citizen excepting the driver was present, and he looked so chapfallen that he presented an unmistakable appearance of petticoat subjugation. If this is the secret and selfish way in which the women are going to conduct this campaign, we shall countervail them. Men’s rights may become a paramount issue if such conducts as those is permitted is to go on without let or hindrance. Lunch, forsooth!
140 Years Ago
Shower of frogs: There was a good shower of rain accompanied by thunder and lightning. At 4 o’clock when the storm was clearing up, a shower of frogs fell near the depot, about a thousand — from Washoe Lake.
130 Years Ago
Drinking water: Billy Hoffman drank copiously from a stream of water where some wild parsnips were growing. The son of a ranchman found him insensible on the ground. Remedies were used and after an hour he was revived — cattle were killed at the same ditch. (Reno Gazette)
120 Years Ago
Typhoid: Three cases of typhoid fever are reported in Gold Hill — caused from impure milk and water.
110 Years Ago
Advertisement: “The University of Nevada will open Monday, August 15, 1910, Courses in: Agriculture, Liberal Arts, General Science, Mining, Civil Mechanical and two years of Electrical Engineering; Education and Domestic Science. University High School — Four Years, For registry and further information, write to: J. E. Stubbs, Pres., Reno, Nevada.”
100 Years Ago
Wanted: Woman, preferably elderly, to take care of a child of three. Apply at this office.
Lost: A boy’s overseas cap, khaki color. Please return to this office.
Attendant wanted — Middle-aged lady wanted to take care of an old lady at Walley Springs. Apply to this office for particulars.
150 Years Ago
The Great Fire at Dayton: The fire broke out at 9 o’clock in an unoccupied insured building adjoining Howe’s fireproof store. It spread, burning Cross’ Hotel and other structures on the main street and laying waste some four blocks. The fire was stopped at the new Odd Fellows’ Hall. Mr. Bigelow, agent of the Pacific Insurance Company, said the number of buildings burned are 39 frame and 6 of brick or stone. Many were able to save their goods and furniture. This is a terrible disaster to Dayton and much sympathy is expressed here for the sufferers.
140 Years Ago
Bedbugs: There is a lodging house in Gold Hill where Virginia bed bugs are compelled to halt and give the countersign before they are allowed across the threshold.
130 Years Ago
Personalities: Larry Howden, the drummer who was reported to be frightfully mangled in Utah, arrived in Carson with only a small limp.
Warren Dipple, clerk at the Arlington, assures us that he using all his influence to secure another face with a new smile. The one he is wearing now is out of date.
120 Years Ago
Cape Nome: People are returning from Cape Nome and pronounce it as a fraud. It is nothing but a steamboat boom. The placers have been all worked out, there will be great destitution and privation among those of small means when winter sets in. Woe to those who have not money sufficient to get away, but who will be compelled to remain and take up their abode under canvas roofs in that bleak country.
110 Years Ago
“At Barkley’s
If you wish a bottle cold—
Call at Barkley’s,
If you love the goods that’s old
Call at Barkley’s
‘Taint no use to sit and blink
If you really need a drink,
Just make a sign or ring a bell.
And you bet they’ll treat you right
Up at Barkley’s
The Monarch Saloon. Opp. Depot.”
100 Years Ago
People and notes of interest: Mrs. Martha Gleason, teacher of the Eighth grade, Carson grammar school, is visiting Mrs. W. J. Hunting at Glenbrook.
150 Years Ago
Woman’s Suffrage Meeting: A meeting was held in Elko. Frank Proctor presided and Miss Emily Pittson-Stevens and Mrs. Laura de Force Gordon made speeches.
140 Years Ago
The July snow: The air has been filled with flying fleece from the cottonwood trees. With a steady breeze, you can imagine a snow storm is in progress. An English tourist on his way to Lake Bigler (Tahoe) saw the peculiar sight and remarked: “Bless my soul, is this a snow storm in July !” “It’s a common thing,” replied Hank Monk. “By night the roads will be impassable.” “How romantic, you know. It beats a London fog hall ‘ollow,” said the Englishman.
130 Years Ago
All sorts: The Amateur Photographers of Carson are temporarily organized. The next meeting will be held at Dr. Southworth’s office. They will probably style themselves The Camera Club.
The Lung Straining Club met at the residence of Miss Mettie Curry. The exercises were delightful but the plug hat collection was a flat failure.
120 Years Ago
All sorts: Bob Fitzsimmons and Gus Rublin have signed for a fight at Madison Square Garden.
While beating a horse near Eureka, Frank Kossp had his jaw broken by a kick from the animal. Good for the horse.
110 Years Ago
Prisoner arrives: John Lee, sentenced to fourteen years in the State Prison for assault with intent to commit rape upon his daughter was taken to the State bastille and turned over to the tender mercies of Warden Maxwell who supplied him with a new stripped suit and will start him to work on the rock pile.
100 Years Ago
Old resident dies: Charles Fred Martin died at on West Fifth street after an extended illness. He was born in Memphis, Scotland county, Mo., November 15, 1862 and in 1863 was brought by his parents to this city. For several years he was telegraph lineman for the V & T. Mr. Martin had a severe attack of influenza in October, 1918, and never fully recovered. In 1919 he had a second attack followed by ptomaine poisoning which made it more complicated. He had been bedridden for the past six months. Miss Annie H. Martin and Mrs. Helen Martin Johnson of Long Beach, Calif.; two nephews and two grandnephews survive him.
Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.